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Supply lines for custom settlements?


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I've made three interior settlements now and none of them allow me to make supply lines to/from them.

I've followed this guide here, but I still can't figure out why supply lines aren't being made.

Could someone who knows more about this tell me why none of my settlements allow that?

Cause I followed the guide, got them to show up on the "send settler to" screen, yet the supply lines is still a big fat "no" and the guide doesn't even contain the word "supply" so there's no info written on that part either.


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That guide was not written with interior WorkshopParent registered settlements in mind as they are rather inconsistent.


If an actor can be assigned to link a workshop but the supply line does not appear then the call that is failing is likely to be WorkshopParentScript.AssignCaravanActorPUBLIC:

workshopStart.myLocation.AddLinkedLocation(workshopDestination.myLocation, WorkshopCaravanKeyword) 

And the issue is usually that the workshopStart.myLocation recorded in WorkshopScript. Run the Workshop Ownership Utilities corruption and keyword tests (actual first paragraph of that guide) do they tell you anything useful ?

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The settlements do have map markers on the outside. I just had updated them so that it teleports me to the inside. I don't think the navmesh needs updating, because the doorways and interior cells already existed.


So far one of the settlements shows up on the "show supply line" screen, but the others do not. And I don't know why or how only that one shows up. They all got the same keywords.


I haven't yet tried the tests, because I tried figuring out what the differences between the settlements are.

Edit: The tests said I had 0 issues

Edited by MrFunreal
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The settlements do have map markers on the outside. I just had updated them so that it teleports me to the inside. I don't think the navmesh needs updating, because the doorways and interior cells already existed.


So far one of the settlements shows up on the "show supply line" screen, but the others do not. And I don't know why or how only that one shows up. They all got the same keywords.


I haven't yet tried the tests, because I tried figuring out what the differences between the settlements are.

Edit: The tests said I had 0 issues

the outside map marker has to reflect the actual location...so it has to be linked with a xmarkerheading inside (Map marker link ref ---> xmarkerheading no keyword ). Also in the case of internal cells navmesh is key as mentioned by Zorkaz so extend it to the point of entry and make sure to finalize.


Note that multiple map markers referencing the same location are also an issue .

I had this issue when i made the root cellar at sanctuary into a secondary part of sanctuary (it was expanded into a larger area with its own workbench(limited) etc.) but i had an issue with settlement data showing on the wrong map markers.

Similar isue in my Nakano mod where after 3 days of searching found that Nakano had a fake map marker outside of the location next to the fish packing plant and was linked to a location marker at the nakano residence.

Devs did this because Nakano isnt really in the commonwealth being that its part of the DLC.

Edited by greekrage
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When you static place a map marker in a location using Creation kit the LocRefType is automatically added to the location record.


There is no script function to dynamically add a LocRefType which is why dynmaically creating or moving registered workshop settlements is not practical.




(9) This unlocks all build options at any workshop and generates the relevant Center/Spawn/Attack markers. Perfect for Airport, but it does NOT register standalone workshops like Home Plate with WorkshopParentScript as a full settlement, so settlers will not be recruited by the base game beacon and bed/food/safety/vendor resources can not be assigned or produce or manage happiness. Recruit settlers using (12) Population Manager (or another settler spawn button), but they won't actually do anything. A vital keyword (LocTypeWorkshopSettlement) can not be added to the location record to trigger resource updates as there is no dynamic script function to do this. Trying to force WorkshopParent registration (as some mods have tried) will break your game. Note: the Conquest mod does this through slight of hand by shuffling ~ 9 preconfigured location records.



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None of the MapMarkers i add will be listed in the LocRefTypes of the location. the only one's there are the ones that were already there by default.

So i suppose there's just nothing to be done.


On the Bridgeway trust location, there just is a MapMarkerRefType listed. On ValentiStation and EsplanadeMansion there's none.

the next one i'm about to edit also has two MapMarkerRefType in the location. I got a feeling this only works if the exterior cell is not "wilderness" because so far the only ones where this MapMarkerRefType appeared was on FensExt01 and FederalSurveillanceCenterExt. Both named ones.
Maybe i'm just misunderstanding all of it. i don't know.

Edited by MrFunreal
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You MUST create a unique named location record for WorkshopParent regstations to work.


Suggests you skipped step (06) of the guide you cliamed to follow.


Which would be EXACTLY why you are having myLocation record dependent issues.

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You just updated your guide with a green exclamation that literally says the opposite of what you had just said.

the locations i'm editing already have their own location, so I'm updating the existing location, just like your new exclaimer mentioned.


But i did what you jsut told me. Make a new location record. Which whoop de doo also deleted the MapMarkerRefType, on the only settlement where it already worked.

Edited by MrFunreal
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