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MadMax Mount Errors


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Now... whenever I load a cell where there are mountable creatures... there are seven errors, say yes to all of them, and then I can't mount the creature! Here's the seven:


Script Error: EXPRESSION in _horse_script02

Script Error: EXPRESSION in _kagouti_script01

Script Error: EXPRESSION in _dragon_black_script

Script Error: EXPRESSION in _dragon_green_script

Script Error: EXPRESSION in _dragon_red_script

Right eval



Really need to know what's going on... I only changed AiWander to AiFollow in the gamplay->script section... :sad2:

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Woops. It probably happened because you altered it to do something it wasn't designed to. ;)


I suggest deleting your modified version of the plugin and downloading it again. And this time try leaving it as is.


If that doesn't work then this is another faulty mount mod. It wouldn't be the first. :tongue2:

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I've re-downloaded and downloaded some new plugins and my errors were erased... these plugins are at www.highpressure-morrowind.com if you need new plugins. :grin:
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