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Anno 1800

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This is an old list I found somewhere.

Does anyone know where I can find an updated list for the latest Anno 1800 DLCs?

Advanced Weapons        1010223
Beef                    1010193
Beer                    1010214
Brass                   1010204
Bread                   1010213
Bricks                  1010205
Canned Food             1010217
Caoutchouc              1010255
Cement                  1010231
Chassis                 1010211
Chocolate               1010258
Cigars                  1010259
Clay                    1010201
Coal                    1010226
Cocoa                   1010254
Copper                  1010230
Cotton                  1010253
Cotton Fabric           1010240
Dynamite                1010222
Filaments               1010243
Fish                    1010200
Flour                   1010235
Fur Coats               1010247
Furs                    1010209
Glass                   1010241
Gold                    1010249
Gold Ore                1010233
Goulash                 1010215
Grain                   1010192
Gramophones             1010248
Hops                    1010194
Iron                    1010227
Jewellery               1010250
Light Bulbs             1010208
Malt                    1010236
Pearls                  1010256
Penny Farthings         1010245
Pigs                    1010199
Pocket Watches          1010246
Potatoes                1010195
Quartz Sand             1010228
red Peppers             1010198
Reinforced Concrete     1010202
Rum                     1010257
Sails                   1010210
Saltpetre               1010232
Sausages                1010238
Schnapps                1010216
Soap                    1010203
Sewing Machine          1010206
Steam Carriages         1010225
Steam Motors            1010224
Steel                   1010219
Steel Beams             1010218
Sugar                   1010239
Sugar Cane              1010251
Tallow                  1010234
Timber                  1010196
Tobacco                 1010252
Weapons                 1010221
Windows                 1010207
Wood Veneers            1010242
Wool                    1010197
Work Clothes            1010237
Zinc                    1010229



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