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Make custom workshop item immobile.


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Is there a keyword or something in the creation kit that will make my custom workshop items static or how would I go about making my custom items immobile once placed?

Im not trying to edit a cell, I am trying to make custom items for settlement building in the workshop.

Lots of youtube videos on how to make workshop items but none of them cover this issue.

Edited by 4BOLTMAIN
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In the Creation Kit there is a grouping of items called statics. Duplicate one of these and rename it. Open the item and assign you custom nif file to this entity. Place it in the world.


This did not work at first but I kept at it. I changed the NavMesh Generation Import Option from Collision Geometry to Ground and it worked. I also figured out that I needed to add WorkshopAnythingIsGround with a value of 1 to the Actor Values so I could place the item on tables and shelves etc. I am not sure what the value does so I just set it to 1.


The custom item is working as intended. Thanks for your help.

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Attach the script DefaultDisableHavokOnLoad.

There isn't a script option for static items but there is one for items in the Light section. I copied the WorkshopIndCatLight and changed the model to my mesh. I added the script you mentioned in the script box, added the actor value WorkshopAnythingIsGournd: 1, set the color and then tested. The item will snap to the top of tables, shelves, etc. but when I place the item, it disappears. I am not able to see the light or choose it again. Its like the script destroys it when I place it. I did try other Havoc scripts just to see what would happen but the ones I tried wouldn't lock the item where I placed it.


Eventually I want to make some different colored table lamps. I already have 4 meshes done but I need to figure out how to make them stay where I place them.


Do I need to edit some lines of code in the script?


EDIT: I figured it out. I needed to use the FXSwitchToHavokAfterAnimSCRIPT script. I haven't tried shooting them or anything like that but they dont move when my character runs into them.


Thanks for your help.

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in most cases like this we simply use a similar object (duplicated) and swap the nif with our own...

When creating new objects from mashups avoid using parts that have havok characteristics or you would have to open that nif in nifskope and remove its havok before using it ( a copied version ofc).

Ive done this 100s of times because i make a lot of my own set dressing objects etc...

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in most cases like this we simply use a similar object (duplicated) and swap the nif with our own...

When creating new objects from mashups avoid using parts that have havok characteristics or you would have to open that nif in nifskope and remove its havok before using it ( a copied version ofc).

Ive done this 100s of times because i make a lot of my own set dressing objects etc...


This seems lot more efficient than adding a script. I couldn't figure out or find any tutorials on how to remove the Havok but I will keep trying. There is one tutorial on the nexus but its for an older version of Nifskope and that verson wont load any .nif files.


Thanks for the information.


Edited by 4BOLTMAIN
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