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Accessing a container within the player inventory - Requesting help.


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I've recently finished work on a boat travel mod that also lets players store items in a knapsack on the boat. I've created a 'cheat' item that will let a player access the knapsack when activated. If you drop the item, exit the inventory and then pick it back up, it works fine. However, I can't get it to work from within the player inventory. It's a misc. item using a gold coin as its model. The attached script looks like this...



Scriptname BTDBItemRetrievalScript extends ObjectReference

ObjectReference Property BTDBRealKnapsack Auto

Event OnActivate(ObjectReference akActionRef)
Actor Player = Game.GetPlayer()


I took the script from this thread...




I tried incorporating some of the script on this page, but I couldn't get it to work...




Any help would be greatly appreciated.



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