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Day 1 patches, fixes, cure for the slowness and NMM temporarily down


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I still can't use NMM and I prefer to use it for using mods. I just got FO3 on my new Windows 8 laptop 2 days ago. I've only got FOSE, WindowsLiveDisabler, and a few essentials before it's all been down. I understand the big undertaking. I would like to now at least a time frame when it's going to be back up.
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I truly appreciate your hard work. Yeah, I could b&@*$ as a Premium member, but won't. It's times like these that you find and correct many bugs. (I was a little miffed when I couldn't log in, but I had faith that the problem would quickly be solved -- and it was.) Hang in there, get some sleep and keep up the good work. Hey, it's not as bad as trying to fix Health.gov in the US.


(The censored was the female dog word, btw.)

Edited by cormell
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