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Mod Can't Be Added


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Due to the problems that the Nexus Mod Manager is currently experiencing I had to manually download Interesting NPCs. Nothing wrong with that but when I go to manually add the file after downloading it I am told the the file can't be added and the Mod is labeled as Incomplete. Any help with this would be awesome.

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Do not add it manually through the manager.

During Maintenance I recommend using the NMM to go to "Open Game Folder" and take your Manually downloaded file and drop it in the "Data Folder"

THEN go to the Vanilla launcher and find it under "Data Files" then tick the box.

After that the mod is marked as activated, and you are free to launch skyrim through whatever method you use, be it SKSE or anything that launches skyrim.

Good luck, and happy modding!


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  • 6 months later...

@ OGMSCOLEPEARSON: that does not work for me, i can add other mods manually without an issue but one mod just does not seem to be allowed, i do not want to go back to manual installing mods, that was a cluster bomb of a mess that i had to clean up, we need more help on this issue please.

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  • 2 years later...
  • 2 months later...

same problem for me. from NMM 0.61.2 to last 0.63.12, chek id/update, and:

1 various "load error" on NMM startup (mods arent in the "mod tab", but are in the "mod" folder created by NMM. if i delete from this, the load error go away. BUT the file are in the plug in tab (and in the game/virtual folder)


2 try swith to a "vanilla" game (a bakup foldrer, ONLY beth files), reinstall NMM, and i can't add some file (es Usleep translation). I try to download by NMM, same result.


In short: i can't add or downlaod mod. ...

for now i return to my 0.61.2, but please fix NMM!!



sadly, now with old NMM 0.61.2 i can add form file, or download from nexus, but i can't istall!!

added usleep, and have a "problem during the installation".


SkyUi, on the other side, work. Added form file, and installed without any roblem..


maybe it's time to move on MO...

Edited by corvorosso
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  • 9 months later...

I noticed, that it depends on the type of archive. 7zip goes well, zip and rar doesn't work. When I notice, that a mod can't be downloaded by NMM, I download and install it manually. In every case these mods were rar- or zip-files.

I don't know, why NMM can't handle these files any longer. My only hope is, that the next version of NMM has solved this issue.

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  • 4 months later...

I am having a similar problem, but with a simple sound replacer mod that I made. The mod works flawlessly when I manually drop it into the Skyrim/SkyrimSE Data folder, but I'm trying to share it on Nexus and can't figure out why the mod manager suggests that it's 'Incomplete' and 'can't be added.'


By the way, here are links to the mod pages for both Skyrim and Skyrim Special Edition if you are so inclined to take a look at them:


Macon Tain Mods - The Journal Menu Open And Close Sound (for Skyrim):



Macon Tain Mods - The Journal Menu Open And Close Sound (for Skyrim Special Edition):



Update: Found the solution for my problem. I archived the file as a .zip and both Nexus Mod Manager and Mod Organizer were able to read it.

Edited by MaconTain
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