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How can i enchant a weapon?


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In all of the Mages Guilds should be someone who can enchant. In the top list of services in the dialogue box (above the topics; includes Persuasion, or Spells or bartering, etc.) there will be a service button "enchanting." Click it and Voila! you can pay to make enchanted items. Make sure you have a filled soul gem, though, 'cause that's required.


The Temple may also provide this service.


You can also make your own enchanted items. Simply drag a filled soul gem to your paper-doll picture in the inventory menu, and in the box that appears, select "Create enchanted item." this will bring up the same interface as the one if you had asked for the service, but, of course, if you make your own, it won;t cost a cent! You have to have a pretty high enchantment skill to make enchanted items (at least level 50, probably higher for better enchantments and with a higher success rate).

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Thanks you very much Flying Fox!! In reality, je parle francais, et j'habite a Québec. J'ai de la misere a tout comprendre du jeu, mais je me debrouille bien quand meme, j'ai quand meme reussi a faire la quete principale NEREVAR REBORN. :D
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