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First person aiming...


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I searched for this, couldn't find anything.


One thing that annoys me greatly with FO3 compared to other FPS-type setups is that when you have, say, the Hunting Rifle, and alt-fire to zoom, it doesn't pull the gun up for iron sights... it is even worse with the 10mm weapons and others... how hard would this mod actually be? Just moving the mesh on the first person screen, or would you need some complicated coding?

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That's pretty good work! You just need working models. For the mark 23 it works perfectly, as for automatic rifles, it's a so-so, and for hunting rifles.... Just forget it xD But Ozisl, it's just a question of waiting! It will be done... Eventually
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also some people are working on gun animations, but they are like gold dust and are very hard to do with fallout 3 as it is , will take more than a year i bet
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