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More than One Face Scar


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For immersion purposes, I'd like to be able to have more than one scar equipped at a time.


Why is it that I can't have both a scar going down my eye, and a scar on my cheek? What if my character's been hardened by battle? What if they were sliced near the eye AND got their cheek cut open by a couple nasty swings of a steel sword?


RaceMenu has made multiple war-paints possible, why not scars?

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Sadly its a very complicated thing, short of an update to racemenu that does that, then odds are we wont see it for a while. I was wanting them same thing to be added into racemenu a while back, and I remember being told any sort of editing of how tint masks worek is "very complicated" for someone who doesn't know exactly what they are doing.
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