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Tropical/desertic provinces?


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Depends on what we mean by 'tropical'. Parts of southern Morrowind and Blackmarsh would constitute as tropical swampland. Cyrodiil was supposed to be tropical (it was changed by Tiber Septim through CHIM. Funny fact, Bethesda regrets that decision, and generally hates Oblivion because they tried to change what Cyrodiil was, making it boring in the process). Padonea (did I spell that right?) is also tropical, as are parts of Summerset.


As for Deserts... The ash-wastes of Morrowind could be considered deserts.


We don't know enough about Akavir to say anything about them, and the Daedric realms are subject to whatever their ruler wants, so they can't really be considered one thing or another.



** Oh, and what little we know about the Khajiit colony on one of the moons indicates it's very much like Elsweyr. Considering the moons are dead and rotting, I think it's likely that they are rather barren and desert like.

Edited by Lachdonin
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Good Job Lachdonin, but there's some things to add. There are plenty of islands in the Abecean Sea that could be tropical. Thras, home of the Sloads could be tropical too. Yokuda's climate is probably similar to Hammerfell's with deserts, but that it not confirmed and it was destroyed.


Depends on what we mean by 'tropical'. Parts of southern Morrowind and Blackmarsh would constitute as tropical swampland. Cyrodiil was supposed to be tropical (it was changed by Tiber Septim through CHIM. Funny fact, Bethesda regrets that decision, and generally hates Oblivion because they tried to change what Cyrodiil was, making it boring in the process).

I think Bethesda wanted to make Cyrodiil a generic medieval fantasy forest, changed the lore with some stupid reasons why it isn't a jungle, and then later regretted it. Or as many people settle on, "jungle was just a translation error", but that wouldn't explain why they made up a bunch of towns in Cyrodiil when they made Oblivion. The Imperial City was the only Cyrodilic city featured in Oblivion.


Padonea (did I spell that right?) is also tropical, as are parts of Summerset.

Its Pyandonea, home of the Maormer or Tropical Elves.


** Oh, and what little we know about the Khajiit colony on one of the moons indicates it's very much like Elsweyr. Considering the moons are dead and rotting, I think it's likely that they are rather barren and desert like.

I always thought this was just a metaphor, or myth/legend and never actually happened. However, I have never really looked into this. What are your sources?

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** Oh, and what little we know about the Khajiit colony on one of the moons indicates it's very much like Elsweyr. Considering the moons are dead and rotting, I think it's likely that they are rather barren and desert like.

I always thought this was just a metaphor, or myth/legend and never actually happened. However, I have never really looked into this. What are your sources?




Mr.Flippers is a far more versed individual in Khajiiti Lore than i am. He cites a few sources there regarding the Mane-Moon. We also know inter-plane(t) travel is possible, and was done by both the Reman Mananoughts and the Alinor Sunbirds.


Anyway, even MK complemented Flippers on his Cat-Lore, so i generally assume he's mostly on the ball, so when he talks about the colony on the moons, i tend to take it at face value. I don't think that the myths are entirely accurate, but what in TES is? I mean, people still seem to think Aldmeris was a real place, after all. The devil is always in the details.

Edited by Lachdonin
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