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Can I get some help?


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I have a load order on vortex with 241 mods ranging from DLC sized story mods to just the average single gun mods. When start a new game and move just 2 feet it crashes. Can somebody please help me here, I have my graphics set to the lowest setting and have uninstalled many mods. I know its probably something wrong with my load order or just a corrupt mod but I have been trying to get this fixed for a while now. I was doing good for like five weeks having 225 mods or so but my pc had a corrupt 3070ti and broke the entire pc so I had to get it repaired and reset and now my fallout wont even work. I know this is probably just a rookie modders mistake but if I could get some support here I would really appreciate it.

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Hi Tdog.

Welcome to the forums! Just sorry that you came in, with problems like THIS! :(


The problems that you experienced prior to having the failure and having the PC reset were most likely corrupt save games. I had the exact same problem after making some pretty big load order changes. (Which is most likely also the cause of your corrupted saves).

This was after I moved the game and all my files over to a new (to me) computer. So I thought it was something wrong with the system. Tried reinstalling the game, several times. Reverted windows, several times. Still same prob with the crashing.

Til I pretty much removed every file from my save games folder, and started over with a new character.


The point that you are at now, where you say the game won't even work. Please elaborate. 1) How are you starting up the game? What .exe file are you clicking on to start it?

Do you play using F4se?

Will it play the intros?

Do you try to start it, and it does nothing?

Please give us details, and we'll troubleshoot what's going on there ;)

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Hey, sorry for not responding sooner. When I hit new game it starts a new game and even plays through the intro and lets me create a character but after I walk past the shower in the bathroom of the main characters home it just crashes. Again sorry if this is just me being an idiot I have just been trying to fix it for a while doing new things. Yes, I am using F4SE.

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Heya Tdog! VERY sorry for not seeing this sooner! :(

Ok, so there are some scripted activators there in the bathroom during creation. One of them, being right there by the tub.

I would try moving the f4se mods out of your data folder, and see if that gets you past that point, on a new character. If that's the problem, I'd check to see if any of those mods can be updated.


Otherwise I would guess that you have a mod conflict somewhere in your load order.

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@Storm: The point at which he is crashing is one of only a few forced autosave points, then a cr@pload of scripts run.

Think you were spot on with corrupt saves. :thumbsup:


Just disable all mods except a few, and see how far you get, enabling a few more and reloading, etc.

Be logical and linear, and that should establishe your load order.

Masters (esms) and global/frameworks early, quests near last, (everything else in between). any esl is counted as last, regardless.

This method just avoids too much Mayhem and destruction, zeroing in on what is causing your issue.

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Thank a lot for the help guys, I will disable a BUNCH of my mods and then enable just a few at a time. Sorry for not looking at this sooner, I am busy trough out the day and really only get on my pc later sometimes. Again sorry if this was just a really simple mistake I am just sort of new to this type deal. I am used to GMOD style or steam workshop which is just point and click and is still the case here, just with a couple more steps during actually gameplay to make sure it works and to allow tons of non stop fun and creativity. To be honest I was thinking about enabling and disabling mods but I just did not have the time to do it and I didn't think it was an update because I checked all of my updates and they said that they had the newest version. I hope this fixes the problem and again thank you.





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@Blinx, It's also the very first time that the character goes into first person view. By Force.

So I'm thinking that it may be something to do with a mod that affects 1st person animations or whatnot.

But you are correct. There are a lot of activators, and scripts that fire off at that point! As well as when you pick up the pip-boy in the vault. There's a reason why that loading screen on the pip is so slow... it's like in the elevators. It's to distract the player from all the stuff being loaded and activated! The trip up the elevator and the blurriness just after exiting the vault... same thing.


@Tdog- Good luck! I hope that it doesn't take too long to find out which mod(s) is/are the culprit(s).

And yeah, I know what you mean about not having a lot of time. Too much real life, not enough gaming time for me too! :laugh:

Uh... yeah... bethesda games have their own set of headaches... er I mean... way of doing things!

And Thanks! Happy New Year to you too!

And to you Blinx buddy!

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@Storm, Interesting about the forced 1st person, I'll have to watch for that next time.


Your distraction theory holds true, used to note how the Apple mouse was to distract the user, giving the machine time to execute what it was already told to do. :sweat:


@Tdog Let us know what you find...


Happy New Year to you both, and all! :thumbsup:

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