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Mods + Steam Oblivion GOTY


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I do not know if it's a general problem, but when install the Mods in the past (say the Mods facial for example) was enough for me to copy the folder and paste it in the folder of Oblivion, but I do not know because if I do, nothing changes why? How do I solve?

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Steam has a habit of resetting the timestamps for the vanilla game BSA files (making BSA Redirection ineffective). You can either give the vanilla game BSA files their proper dates (year should be 2006) using a utility like File Date Changer 1.61 or you can use Oblivion Mod Manager's Update BSA Timestamps (found in the Archive Invalidation dialogue accessed via the Utilities menu and select Archive Invalidation).

Edited by Striker879
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Steam has a habit of resetting the timestamps for the vanilla game BSA files (making BSA Redirection ineffective). You can either give the vanilla game BSA files their proper dates (year should be 2006) using a utility like File Date Changer 1.61 or you can use Oblivion Mod Manager's Update BSA Timestamps (found in the Archive Invalidation dialogue accessed via the Utilities menu and select Archive Invalidation).


So I'm forced to use OBMM, you could give me the link? And then how do I use Mods?

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I wouldn't say forced to use Oblivion Mod Manager ... File Date Changer works as well and it's only six BSA files that need their dates fixed (just changing the year to 2006 would suffice). As far as installing mods (if that's what you mean by "how do I use mods") your same old method you used in the past should work (copy and paste manually installing if I understand you original post correctly). The Steam version of Oblivion is buried under a couple of more layers of folders if what I've read is correct (don't use Steam myself), but inside Steam\Steamapps you should still have an Oblivion\Data folder. I manually install mods myself ... it still works.

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I wouldn't say forced to use Oblivion Mod Manager ... File Date Changer works as well and it's only six BSA files that need their dates fixed (just changing the year to 2006 would suffice). As far as installing mods (if that's what you mean by "how do I use mods") your same old method you used in the past should work (copy and paste manually installing if I understand you original post correctly). The Steam version of Oblivion is buried under a couple of more layers of folders if what I've read is correct (don't use Steam myself), but inside Steam\Steamapps you should still have an Oblivion\Data folder. I manually install mods myself ... it still works.


Aaah so there are 2 folders Oblivion (1 new and one old), the new is on Steam / Common and the other old on Steam / Steammaps right?

So I have to install the mods, not on the path "Steam / common / Oblivion" but the path "Steam / steammaps / oblivion"?

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I don't use Steam myself but what I'd suggest is right click on the shortcut you use to start the Steam GotY version and then select Properties from the right click menu. On the Shortcut tab of the properties dialogue look for the path shown in the Target field. It will probably be too long to read all of it at once. Single left click in the target field to take the highlight off and then use the arrow keys to move left and right so you can see the entire path. Once you've written it down click the Cancel button to close the Properties dialogue.


I use the disk version of the game and installed onto my computers G drive (I have multiple hard drives). The full path to my game is G:\Games\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\OblivionLauncher.exe (actually obse_launcher.exe but I use the other shortcut to access the vanilla game Data Files menu). Your Steam GotY will be different than mine but that same method will help you find where it's installed.

Edited by Striker879
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I wouldn't say forced to use Oblivion Mod Manager ... File Date Changer works as well and it's only six BSA files that need their dates fixed (just changing the year to 2006 would suffice). As far as installing mods (if that's what you mean by "how do I use mods") your same old method you used in the past should work (copy and paste manually installing if I understand you original post correctly). The Steam version of Oblivion is buried under a couple of more layers of folders if what I've read is correct (don't use Steam myself), but inside Steam\Steamapps you should still have an Oblivion\Data folder. I manually install mods myself ... it still works.


Aaah so there are 2 folders Oblivion (1 new and one old), the new is on Steam / Common and the other old on Steam / Steammaps right?

So I have to install the mods, not on the path "Steam / common / Oblivion" but the path "Steam / steammaps / oblivion"?




When I find the path to what I should do then? The strange thing that manually putting a mod, and then in the "Data" folder of Oblivion and then the folder "Textures" it takes me a Mod is like if I had not put. (Not needed the format .esp)

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When you say "2 folders Oblivion (1 new and one old)" do you mean you had Oblivion from Steam installed before and now you have bought Oblivion GotY from Steam and have both installed? If you only have one copy of the game installed you should be able to find one Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\Data folder. That may be inside a Steam folder or Steam\Steamapps folder or Steam\Common folder ... I don't have Steam so I can't check that to tell you where your game is installed.


When you say (Not needed the format.esp) I think you are talking about a replacer mod. Replacer mods don't generally have an esp but you must use archive invalidation for them to work, which brings us back to Oblivion Mod Manager (OBMM). You can use OBMM to turn on BSA Redirection (the recommended method of archive invalidation) and at the same time reset your BSA Timestamps. After you install OBMM just click on the Utilities button and select Archive Invalidation from the menu. In the Archive Invalidation dialogue that opens select BSA Redirection and then click Reset BSA Timestamps. Click the Update Now button and then close the Archive Invalidation dialogue and then close OBMM (it doesn't commit it's changes until you close it).

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Before this gets any more confusing with the file path here, I'm not using Steam myself either, but last time I read from it, the file path for Steam Oblivion was ".../Steam/Steamapps/Common/Oblivion/...". You two are both talking of the same path, just mixing it up. :thumbsup:

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Thanks Drake ... twice you've had my back the last couple of days (not sure why I never think of asking about game version ... your turf I guess).

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