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I am an old guy for these forums (I can nearly remember Pres. Ford) , but I like games and in particular MorrowinD. I was born in 1970 (AD, lol). I am in the military, US ARMY, HOOAHH!


What interests me in this game is the open-ended play, you don't have to go from A to B to C, you can go from A to Q if you want. I really enjoy the character development, I don't care if I "beat it" as long as my guy progresses through his "life". I wish more games were as open without comprimising the storyline.


Speaking of storylines, I think this one is well thought out and (so far) progresses nicely throughout the gameplay. If other game genres would adopt this style the game companies could pull a few more dollars from my mothy wallet.


Any how, hello and thank you for having a great forum.

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Howdy, nice to have a representative of our great protectors on the forums.


Seriously, its good to have, if you don't mind me commenting, what could be called a mature gamer, among us disrespectful newbies. You make an excellent point about the open-ened gameplay and storyline of MW, and i can see you'll fit in nicely, since the majority of guys on here have such (correct) views.


Good to have you with us, obey the mods for they are our gods, use the search function, have fun :grin:

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Welcome Shockwarrior :shocked: An Honor. believe me! I work with a couple of guys who are in the Army. one spent a year in Iraq. I sincerely hold you in the highewt regard. Newbie or not. enjoy the gaming experience! I remember Ford, the most un-atheletic president we ever had, plus...I don't believe he was ever elected to Office! If you are into Morrowind. enjoy, enjoy, enjoy...Role-playing at its best and open for much exploration...and MODS!...GO ARMY! :cheesy:
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