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Chest model is not working correctly


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I installed a mod called "Haubergeon" which looks awesome. I did all requirements and installed the mods which are needed but it doesn't work (http://cloud-4.steampowered.com/ugc/456284692856370339/C58808073577C99319077C4B817B6A09B1550723/1024x576.resizedimage)

Most of the times chest just spazes out of the field and makes a huge, wide line between it and it's annoying. I tried to disable every single mod and left only required ones, but no.

Is there something I am missing?

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Boobs to infinity says that you don't have a BBB compatible skeleton.nif installed. The mod recommends Coronerras Maximum Compatibility Skeletons but a more up to date option is to use Universal Skeleton Nif. Use the ControlableSkeleton version unless you have a mod that requires the TotalControlableSkeleton version, in which case be aware of the limitations and workarounds for that version.


The Haubergeon armor isn't typical of armor that is BBBed so I'm not sure how much bounce it shows and how much (if any) bounce you want to see. If you install the skeleton.nif but not any animation replacers that are BBBed you won't see any bounce (but you also won't get the boobs to infinity glitch). If you do wish to see the bounce I recommend NoMaaM BBB Animation Replacer.


You will notice that NoMaaM recommends something called archive invalidation. The vanilla unmodded game has all of it's resources (meshes, textures, animations and skeleton.nifs) in compressed archives called BSA files. As it needs the assets it loads them from the BSAs. When you try to replace those vanilla assets with modded ones you need some method of getting the game to load the new ones vs the old ones from the BSAs. Over the years many methods have been tried, with most having some sort of difficulty. The most recent and problem free method is called BSA Redirection.


Oblivion Mod Manager (OBMM) provides a simple way to implement BSA Redirection (plus it's the easiest way to install NoMaaM). Click on the Utilities button on the right side of the OBMM window and then select Archive Invalidation from the menu. In the Archive Invalidation dialogue select BSA Redirection. If you are using the Steam version of the game select Update BSA Timestamps and then click Update Now. Close the Archive Invalidation dialogue and then close OBMM (it doesn't commit it's changes until it closes). That's it.

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I installed a mod called "Haubergeon" which looks awesome. I did all requirements and installed the mods which are needed but it doesn't work (http://cloud-4.steampowered.com/ugc/456284692856370339/C58808073577C99319077C4B817B6A09B1550723/1024x576.resizedimage)

Most of the times chest just spazes out of the field and makes a huge, wide line between it and it's annoying. I tried to disable every single mod and left only required ones, but no.

Is there something I am missing?

Wrong. I have these skeletons installed and are shown in that screenshot. I am not using a BBB mod but instead, I am using HGEC body mod. Further more, I am using oblivion mod manager and nomaam bbb could crash all of my mods.

Edited by xignas
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The screenshot shows a character on the bridge to the IC. The skeleton.nif used will never been visible in a screenshot. Your linked screenshot doesn't really shown enough detail to see any sort of problem when I compare it to the screenshot of the female armor on the mod's page.


What type of archive invalidation are you using? What do you mean by "and nomaam could crash all of my mods"? I use NoMaaM myself along with many mods without any difficulty (in fact many of those mods won't work correctly without an animation replacer like NoMaaM).

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The screenshot shows a character on the bridge to the IC. The skeleton.nif used will never been visible in a screenshot. Your linked screenshot doesn't really shown enough detail to see any sort of problem when I compare it to the screenshot of the female armor on the mod's page.


What type of archive invalidation are you using? What do you mean by "and nomaam could crash all of my mods"? I use NoMaaM myself along with many mods without any difficulty (in fact many of those mods won't work correctly without an animation replacer like NoMaaM).

That is great that your mods work perfectly with it but... I installed nomaam and did everything you wrote above and the result didn't change.

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OK that screenshot shows a much clearer picture of what you're facing, and no that doesn't appear to be a skeleton.nif issue.


Do you have your texture size set to large in the game menu's Video menu?

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