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[SSE] Moronic thieves


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So... I have six heavily armed followers and as we wander around Skyrim, we occasionally get these idiots jumping out and trying to rob us with a dagger. I think it would be awesome to either re-arm the bandits or better yet... abolish them altogether as they really add nothing to the game. If someone could make this happen (or point me in the right direction to do it myself), I would surely be their best friend.

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  • 4 weeks later...

So... I have six heavily armed followers and as we wander around Skyrim, we occasionally get these idiots jumping out and trying to rob us with a dagger. I think it would be awesome to either re-arm the bandits or better yet... abolish them altogether as they really add nothing to the game. If someone could make this happen (or point me in the right direction to do it myself), I would surely be their best friend.

I just tell them no (intimidate) and they go away. Considering I'm basically unbillable (oops) unKILLable, except for very high level enemies, it's pointless to attack me...even for small armies. And I don't even have followers any more.


But I guess I can understand the desire for a targeted mod. I installed one to do away with those aholes who ambush you in the field and dump some stolen item on you, and I'm grateful for it.


But if they deleted every idiot NPC from the game, it'd be even more sparsely populated than it already is.


Granted, the idea of dumb robbers made me chuckle, since it reminded me of the "muggers" from Viva La Dirt League's comedy vids.

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