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mini-log mod


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1) Would it be a lot of work for u skilled moders to do mod wich( just like information about cripple shots ) will show info about real damage done ? sth like e.g. : ' "Player_Name /NPC" hit "Enemy_Name " for XX dam. ' or if hit by enemy : ' "Enemy_Name" hit "Player_Name/NPC" for XX dam ' or if shot is missed : ' "Player_name/NPC_Name" missed "Enemy_Name" ' and so on. but with a bit lsmaller font and is shown for a 2 sec. just like information about cripple shots, In previous fallout was some log to show such thing and i like to know how much exactly damage i do.
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You'd need to give each foe a token with a script more or less like this:


scn loggyscript

Float Oldlife
Ref Owner

Begin OnAdd
 Set Owner To GetContainer
 Set Oldlife to 0

Begin GameMode
 If (Owner.GetAV Health <= 0)
 If (Owner.GetAV Health < Oldlife)
   Set Oldlife to Oldlife - Owner.GetAV Health
   ShowMessage MessageID, Oldlife
 Set Oldlife to Owner.GetAV Health


To give the foes tokens, you'd need a quest script that every second or five, either uses fose ref-walking functions to give each creature and npc a token if it haves none, or placeatme a huge explosion that does the same.

The ref-walking is cheaper, processing time-wise.

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