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Adding new weapons to Leveled lists?


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Please could someone help me with adding some weapons to raiders and talon Co etc i wanted to add the SVD by Zealotlee and Mac 10 by HeroinZero as Chinese sniper and Chinese submachine gun (im aware neither are chinese btw lol). Im pretty useless at things like that and for some reason the Mac10's texture is applied differantly and i cant seem to apply it in any other esp apart from the original as it just shows up red?


Any help would be appreciated thanx :)

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heres how ive added stuff to leveled lists, im no pro with scripting but this is whats worked for me.


create a leveleditem if you want, that contains the various healths of the weapon


create a script and have it go like this:

Scn [u]MyQuest[/u]AddItemScr

short doonce

Begin gamemode
 if (doonce == 0)
AddItemToLeveledList RaiderWeaponMelee [u]Myleveleditem[/u] 3 1 1
  [u]rinse, repeat for your other items[/u]
set doonce to 1
stopquest [u]MyQuest[/u]


the three number at the end of the giving line are for the level that it is added at, the quantity and the health percentage

( i think in that order)


create a quest

give it a priority of 60 or higher and add the script to it


hope that helps a bit,


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