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Mod compatability search


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So one of the things that bugs me is the fact that I cant check compatibility between different mods. Although the combination of many mods combined may end up being incompatible combined, the option to check if 2 mods is compatible would help a lot and break down time away from the actual modding.


My idea is simple, people can add mods that functions with another mod. Specifically, if I want to use one body mod, another mod containing a remaster of all (or most) of the armors in-game, and a 3rd mod with a new armor I can crosscheck if they are individually compatible with each other.


What would simply be needed is that users could add the link of another mod, and insert it in some *compatibility filed* and add it to that one mod. When enough users add it as compatible, it is a confirmed confirmed compatible combination.


I can keep on going about what issues needs to be taken care of, like when one mod has been updated and the possible problem between the two/three mods that may occur, but I believe you get my point and that you will figure out the balance better then I can (I am after all drunk atm... thank god for those red correction lines under the words).


It is a bad time to suggest even more stuff, seeing as you already have some problems wrapped around your heads considering the NMM issues, but please give me some kind of response that you have read this when you can. :turned:

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Unfortunately with games like Skyrim having over 30,000 mods, checking compatibility for all of them is just not currently feasible. However some games do have programs like BOSS, TES5edit and Wrye Bash (all available for Skyrim, similar programs are available for other games) that allow you to do something similar with your own load list.

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