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Need help on how to create misc item crafting station.


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Hi all,


I have basic knowledge on how to operate the creation kit. so far, I've created a custom workbench, and a custom misc item. what I want to do is to make it so that when I activate the misc item in my inventory it opens the crafting menu. I know that I might need scripting to do so, but I have no idea how.


any help is appreciated.



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OnEquip would do it in a pinch. That event gets triggered when you attempt to equip a misc item, aka when you click it in your inventory. It will give a notification you might deem unimmersive though. It says you cant equip, and will tell you every time


An alternative could be OnRead() with a book. The book itself need not have text, but it wont give that message, and should open the menu. To open the in-game crafting menu you can point to a reference table in the game, and via script, activate that table. At least thats how you typically can activate things remotely. I am assuming crafting furniture is not an exception, but it well could be

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Well, I spent a few hours fiddling with creation kit, I couldn't do it with either method mentioned above but I did do it using a spelleffect.

so, you cast a spell and the menu appears.


here's the script If anyone's wondering how I did it:


Scriptname TheNameYouPicked extends activemagiceffect
Actor Property PlayerRef Auto
ObjectReference Property TheObject Auto
Event OnInit()
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Yeah, it you check this mod: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/75303?tab=files

It essentially adds 'remote crafting' spells to player.

Need to attach 'theObject' property to a crafting station in some cell. The stations in 'qasmoke' are a good option.


To do it an inventory item, some insights here:


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