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Game still crashing after BOSS and TES4Edit


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I don't know if this will help but what I do in this situation is start un-checking mods five at a time, then launch my game to see if it still crashes... process of elimination. :smile:

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What Carah said. Once you find the mod that causes the problem, sometimes if you move it in the load order, that may solve the problem. If it does not, you may have to do without it. I have had to bypass a few mods I wanted. BOSS comes in handy.

Wyre Bash ( also called BAIN ) is really nice for a launcher. I have 304 mods "batched" down to 252 and have no problems with the game. Also, you might want to make sure you have only Oblivion mods. It's happened to a few people...crashing problems because they had a FO3 esp in FONV. I'm only mentioning this last part because some of your mods are not familiar to me.

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A crash before the main menu usually means a missing master file, or a dependent plugin loading before its master file.


I can't get much information from this list of your's, and I can't really pin it down exactly, but at some points I get a feeling that's not the order things should be in.


Always make sure you run BOSS 'after' TES4Edit, else the TES4Edit'ed plugins will go to the end of your load order (due to the 'last modified' date determining the place).

BOSS or WryeBash should be able to diagnose missing masters right away, before even starting the game.


(I for one also used TES4LodGen a lot in the past, and it always crashed when my order wasn't right. It's just to make all objects having a 'far' representation geometry actually show up in the LOD, but it served a really good purpose as an error detector for me all the time as well.)


Last but not least though, what's this "Oblivion.EXE" on place #00 coming from? The file there should be called "Oblivion.ESM".

I don't know which tool created this list though, thus it could just be a normal misbehaviour by its design as well.

If it really 'is' the EXE though, not the ESM, then this load order is seriously screwed and the game will not run. That'd be a prime example of a missing master situation, missing the game's master.

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A crash before the main menu usually means a missing master file, or a dependent plugin loading before its master file.


I can't get much information from this list of your's, and I can't really pin it down exactly, but at some points I get a feeling that's not the order things should be in.


Always make sure you run BOSS 'after' TES4Edit, else the TES4Edit'ed plugins will go to the end of your load order (due to the 'last modified' date determining the place).

BOSS or WryeBash should be able to diagnose missing masters right away, before even starting the game.


(I for one also used TES4LodGen a lot in the past, and it always crashed when my order wasn't right. It's just to make all objects having a 'far' representation geometry actually show up in the LOD, but it served a really good purpose as an error detector for me all the time as well.)


Last but not least though, what's this "Oblivion.EXE" on place #00 coming from? The file there should be called "Oblivion.ESM".

I don't know which tool created this list though, thus it could just be a normal misbehaviour by its design as well.

If it really 'is' the EXE though, not the ESM, then this load order is seriously screwed and the game will not run. That'd be a prime example of a missing master situation, missing the game's master.

The screenshot i posted is from TES4Edit 3.0.31 Experimental. I was looking through my load order (Using Nexus Mod Manager) and clicked on each .esp and .esm file and all the masters were there. I disabled 24HrAnreanaAliveV2 as I had already had 24HrArenaAlivav2Towers enabled. That did not fix the crashing. I created a merged patch just to see if that could fix anything and it did not. Not sure why I have an Oblivion.exe in the Edit but Oblivion.esm is right above it.


Also, you might want to make sure you have only Oblivion mods. It's happened to a few people...crashing problems because they had a FO3 esp in FONV. I'm only mentioning this last part because some of your mods are not familiar to me.

All of these esp's and esm's are from the Oblivion Section of NexusMods and they're all in the top list in the individual categories.


Is there a way I could possibly help you guys get a better view on my problem?

Edited by iCantEditBro
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This feels like the problem I am having. I have just completely f*#@ed things up on my end. I copied a lot of meshes and textures over to Skyrim for the Skyblivion mod and then stopped playing for probably 4 or 5 months...now my Oblivion crashes after I click play from the start menu. I deleted everything Oblivion related and reinstalled and it worked just fine. Then the second I downloaded any one mod (I've done this a few times, the last time being Natural Environments) the game won't work. Somethings happening when I try to use mods and I can't figure out what.

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