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The day the weapons turned gold ( gold weapons )


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I have no idea if this has been done yet, but I have a really cool idea for it.


We all remember the gold bran right? Well, gold sounds really cool, so why not make a gold weapon for every armor set. For example, gold iron sword.

Here's the best part, the are like the artifacts, cool right? Even better, no quest, you must venture out to find the legendary gold weapons. Now this part is still a little rough, all the weapons have the same stats. So gold iron sword kicks as much butt as an ebony one and higher. This is to give people who don't like the upper class weapon looks and want to use the iron sword or steel. Here is some of the needs


  • Over level 40
  • Complete main quest
  • Blah Blah science


Not a lot, huh? Well there more, but I don't like lists. So the weapons area in any cave ( if possible) and only found in the end. It should be random.


Now the stats are over the dragon weapons. Yes its op, yes its stupid, yes there is master difficulty, so no crying. They are legendary, and legends are better than dragons, hint dragonborn >o>. So if your up to the challenge and you have time on your hands, then please see what you can do.


Note: I am not sure about dwarven.... so its up to you, but make it cool


******* Forgot about this, when you find the weapon, there is only one for each armor set, Ex find gold iron sword, you can never get a gold great sword, war hammer, etc. BUT to counter this, I want you to make a dude ( or chick, up to you ) in a town of your choice ( modders choice) that can change the weapon, Ex you can change the sword to the hammer. WRONG, its not your choice, the change will be random. Oh and the change take some gold and a little luck. And for you baby's, if the person who mods this make a second mod file to where you can choose the weapon change.


Whew, done. So have fun modding! PLZ :D

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I lol'd so hard reading this post. Its so incoherent but you can totally see the mod author's thinking process throughout lmaoooo.


Anyway, gold is a very soft metal, relatively. Thats why it's never used for weapons or armor, if anyone had one it would most likely be for decorations and such.

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actually theres nothing wrong with gold-weapons. but the way this mod is described makes his idea so confusing that even if i would start working on it id have no clue about wtf he is talking about. oh, and


for example: damage ebony class, but not op... some lines later: dragon class .... its like i would ask for someone to make a silver armor that looks black. and of course it has to be pink.


anyhow... what about this one...


http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/44371/? --> includes 60 kickaxx weapons... dl, install, and use it with my optional "predator yellow" retex... dont forget to endorse ;) ... *considers this mod realised*

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I don't see why it is difficult to read what OP posted. For those who can't understand here is the just of what the OP wants:


  • One-handed swords from every armor set be retextured to gold.
  • Stronger than Dragonbone swords/all swords will have the same stats regardless of what metal type
  • Swords generate randomly inside caves/dungeons (preferably towards the end of said caves/dungeons)
  • Swords will only generate after main quest is completed and at level 40 or higher
  • No quest, just something like a treasure hunt.
For anyone who wants a golden war axe, greatsword, warhammer, etc. must take the found golden sword/s to an NPC who then can give the player one of said other weapons, in exchange for the golden sword/s plus a sum of septims. The weapon to be exchanged for will be random. But create an optional file where players can choose.
So basically make every in game weapon from armor sets a stand alone golden retexture. Only the one-handed swords can be found, while the rest must be traded for.
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Although the OP's post is a little all over the place, I got what he wanted. It's pretty simple and RognvaldTheWise summed it up gracefully. This was not as crazy as half the mod request's thoughts


To all those saying gold is too soft for a weapon, you are right...BUT the weapon probably wouldn't be pure gold in reality, but mixed with other metals to harden it up. This is done all the time. The reason why we never see golden weapons in real life is because it is expensive and there are much better metal options.


Good luck OP. Sorry for all the confusion, maybe review your post first next time?

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