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Need help with HGEC and armor mods


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Hi, I'm new to Oblivion mods and I've been struggling with OM for hours now and the only mod I've gotten to work is Ren's Beauty mod. (Mystic Elves)


After I had gotten that to work I wanted to download this armor mod http://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/43540/?. After extracting the files and placing them in the data folder, I go into the game

to where it's located and there is no chest appearing. Will chests with armor mods only appear if you have an HGEC mod on? 2nd Question is that I'm confused with what exactly HG eye candy is and I don't know what folder or where to place the mode to make a hot girl character. I'm at a loss of what to do and cannot find any videos showing how to run these tools. :(

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After installing the mod (copying the files and folders to your Oblivion\Data folder) did you activate the ESP either using the vanilla game Data Files or a mod manager? When you say "struggling with OM" are you referring to Oblivion Mod Manager (OBMM)?


If your goal is to make a hot girl character then yes you will ultimately need a body replacer like HGEC (Henetai Gentlemans Eye Candy). The snake armor mod you linked is actually a good spot to get the requirements for HGEC and BBB (Better Bouncing Boobs). In a nutshell you need:


1) Replacement body meshes (femalefoot.nif, femalehand.nif, femalelowerbody.nif and femaleupperbody.nif) all located in the folder Oblivion\Data\meshes\characters\_male.

2) Replacement body textures designed for the body meshes (for HGEC they will be footfemale.dds, footfemale_n.dds, handfemale.dds and handfemale_n.dds) all located in Oblivion\Data\Textures\characters with subfolders for each of the main races (some share textures) ... example for Imperials is Oblivion\Data\Textures\characters\Imperial\female and Dark Elf is Oblivion\Data\Textures\characters\DarkElf\female.

3) Replacement skeleton.nif that supports BBB (example Universal Skeleton Nif) installed in Oblivion\Data\meshes\characters\_male.

4) Replacement animations that are BBB enabled (example NoMaaM BBB Animation Replacer) installed in Oblivion\Data\meshes\characters\_male.

5) BBB enabled version of clothes and armor ... many older armors and clothes aren't BBBed but replacement meshes have since been made to replace the originals so it's a two step install process (first install the original and then install and overwrite with the replacement).


There's a lot to learn. No need to rush. Get the body replacer working first (meshes and textures). OBMM is a good beginners choice for that, as all the body replacers are older mods that were last updated long before Nexus Mod Manager (NMM) was invented. Because of all the options for body sizes they are usually packaged with a folder structure that NMM can't understand but they were designed to be installed using OBMM. Some replacers come with just the body (e.g. HGEC Body with BBB v1dot12) and others come with replacement clothes and armor (e.g. EVE HGEC Eyecandy Variants Expansion). Either will require a bit more work to get all the clothes and armor BBBed (the first option requires you to replace all the vanilla clothes and armor with BBBed version ... the second can be upgraded to BBB using BBB for EVE HGEC stock replacer).


You have entered the land of almost endless options ... enjoy!

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In my meaning of OM, it is just short for Oblivion Mods. And yes I checked off the ESP in the start up's menu data files before playing the game.


And I see that HGEC is what I really need as it allows the chest to appear in-game if I successfully replace my characters body?

I had downloaded those tools but just do not know what to do with them after download.


I tried these for example http://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/20022/?tab=2&navtag=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nexusmods.com%2Foblivion%2Fajax%2Fmodfiles%2F%3Fid%3D20022&pUp=1

and the one recommended for the snake armor http://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/34442/?, but I do not know how to use them to actually replace the body.


Thank you for your info.

Edited by BloodLordian
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The order you install these mods is also important, as often mod B will overwrite files from mod A (which is intended). If you install mod B first and then mod A the files will be overwritten by the wrong version.


To start install Oblivion Mod Manager. Even if you only use it to install the body replacer and animation replacer it will get you up and running without learning the intricacies of installing mods manually on your first day here. I suggest the full installer version. Be sure to click on either the words obmm 1_1_12 fuller installer or download manually not the DOWNLOAD WITH MANAGER green button. Download to a folder and then extract the file to that same folder. You'll wind up with a file named obmm_setup.exe, which when you run it will set up OBMM.


Next download your body replacer, again to a folder you create (I myself use HGEC Body with BBB v1dot12). If you download the second one down from the top (the one with Main file omod version as a description) the downloaded file will be named HGEC Body with BBB v1dot12-34442.omod. Open your game's Oblivion folder in Windows Explorer and you should see a subfolder named obmm (full path with a default folder structure will be Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\obmm). You may or may not see a subfolder of the obmm folder named mods (there will be one named UI for certain ... could be that the mods folder may not be there until you create it, it was a long time ago that I installed OBMM on my own machine and memory doesn't get better with age). If there's no mods folder create one so that now the folder structure is Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\obmm\mods.


Copy the file HGEC Body with BBB v1dot12-34442.omod you downloaded and paste it into the obmm\mods folder (full path will now be Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\obmm\mods\HGEC Body with BBB v1dot12-34442.omod). Next open OBMM and in the OBMM window you'll see HGEC Body with BBB v1dot12-34442 listed in the right hand pane with a green box next to it. Single left click on HGEC Body with BBB v1dot12-34442 to highlight it and then click the Activate button at the bottom of the window. OBMM will start the HGEC Body with BBB v1dot12 omod installation script which will walk you through the various options (select the No Animations option ... not so important this time but important if you ever deactivate and reactivate the omod later after you've installed NoMaaM). Once you're done selecting your body choice click on the Utilities button on the right hand side. Select Archive Invalidation from the menu. In the Archive Invalidation dialogue that opens select BSA Redirection (leaving the other options unselected). If you use the Steam version of the game click on Resett BSA Timestamps down near the bottom of the dialogue window. Click Update Now and then close the Archive Invalidation dialgue. Close OBMM (I don't recommend starting the game via OBMM ... if you do make sure you completely close it and then restart it after you use it to do anything as it doesn't commit it's changes until you close the program). Start your game and go find a female bandit to bonk on the head. When you loot all her armor and clothes she should be the body you chose in OBMM.


HGEC Body with BBB v1dot12 includes a BBBed skeleton.nif and right out of the box you should see BBB on naked women but there are more recent versions of that skeleton available. Download either Universal Skeleton Nif or my personal choice BBB Ragdoll Breast Physics Growlfs Skeleton (which is the same as Universal Skeleton but with the added ragdoll effect on dead bodies), again to a folder you create. When you extract the download you'll find two options, either ControlableSkeleton version or TotalControlableSkeleton version. Use the ControlableSkeleton version for now. Inside the ControlableSkeleton folder you'll find one named Data. Right click on it and select copy from the right click menu. Now open you game's Bethesda Softworks folder and right click on the Oblivion folder inside it. Select paste from the right click menu. You'll get a warning about there already being a folder named Data (if you don't you clicked the wrong folder). Select Yes to All and you have manually installed your first replacer mod. If you picked my personal favourite (the ragdoll version) go find another bandit and give her a good bonk. Once she's dead and naked drag her by the arm a bit while she's laying on her back. Tell me you're not glad you took my advice.


Now we need to get live naked women bouncing. Download NoMaaM BBB Animation Replacer, again to a folder you create. Again select the second listed file to download (the one called NoMaaM BBB Animation Replacer V3_1 OMOD). Copy the downloaded file NoMaaM BBB Animation Replacer V3_1 OMOD-35551-3-1.omod to your Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\obmm\mods folder. Start up OBMM and activate NoMaaM BBB Animation Replacer V3_1 OMOD-35551-3-1. Again you will have an OMOD script walking you through the various options. When done close OBMM and start the game. Find another bandit and kill her. After you have looted her body open the console with the tilde key (~) found right below the Esc on standard keyboards. With you mouse click on the bandits body. You should see a reference ID (refID) at the top of the screen. Now type "resurect 1" without the quote marks and that's a number one at the end, and then hit enter. Close the console (hit tilde again) and she should stand up. She's not going to be happy with you ... enjoy the show, rinse and repeat as required.


Sorry for the long explanation, but it should get you up and running with HGEC and BBB.

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I downloaded the Snake armor mod and don't see anything unusual about it. You're sure you have Snake Armor H-Cup BBB.esp ticked in your Data Files and that you're looking in the proper location? From the Market District enter the Arena District and it should be at the bottom of the statue that's to your right hand side halfway to the arena front doors (where you'd go in to place a bet).

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Just in case you're using one of the Open Cities or Better Cities IC mods, if this mod puts the chest into the Vanilla location, it may either be hidden underneath other stuff put there by those mods, or you might even be searching for it in an entirely wrong cell/worldspace. I fail to remember any 'open' version of the IC though, so the latter is only as a reminder for other locations in other cities.


Last but not least, you telling the 'only' mod you got working was a relatively old one, what is the exact version number of your game, which can be read up on the bottom of the main menu title screen?

I'm asking because if it is not 1.2.0416, the pre-1.2 version of the game tends to just 'silently ignore' plugins created with the 1.2 CS (nowadays almost all). There will be no error and no warning. It'll just be as if the plugin wasn't there.

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