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Mod that allows alternate race mods, what's the best one?


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I am not sure if there are more than one or not, but I'd like an opinion before I choose myself, and I am having a hard time finding one. What is the best mod to use that allows alternate race mods. I have a few alternate race mods already downloaded, but some aren't loading correctly or at all. I do have an oblivion mod manager and an oblivion script extender. I am fairly new to modding as well. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks! :thumbsup:

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Alternate start mods (that allow you to start the game without going through the tutorial dungeon) are completely different than mods that allow you to play custom races. The Unofficial Oblivion patch contains a fix for custom races and the vanilla game start in the jail cell. You can use the search function at the top of the Oblivion Nexus page to find alternate start mods but it seems to give incomplete results (even when using advanced search).


One that I've researched but never actually tried is MOE Main Quest Delayer with Kvatch Alive. I'm not so sure it's new modder friendly though (for example you need to install other mods and then deactivate them at the proper time and things like that). Another option is Alternate Start Arrive by Ship (again I've never tried it myself). I can't tell you if either of them will work with a custom race (not something I've ever had any interest in doing).

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