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Arrows not reverting to last used after using magic


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So, its not a immersion breaking bug for me but just curious if anybody had this problem. It goes like this. Im using bow with elven arrows, then switching to iron arrows, then using magic against another oppontent then switching to bow again (all using favorites menu) and on this last step arrows instead of switching to the last used (which is iron) switch to elven. Dont know if its some bug or something obvious Im missing :D

BTW, elven arrows are not first arrows on my inventory list so its not that.

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Are you by any chance using some auto-unequip ammo mod?


IIRC, normal game behavior is to keep ammo equipped, so you constantly have the quiver showing, even if using magic - and there are mods that auto-unequip ammo when ranged weapon is unequipped.


Me personally, I use Auto-Hide Ammo mod, which keeps ammo equipped, but hidden.

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