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Brotherhood Civil War


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Hello, I always loved in Fallout 3 having the Outcasts and the Brotherhood going to war, so I was wondering could anyone make this happen in New Vegas? I would love to see at least a small faction of Outcasts holed up somewhere in the Mojave. It would be awesome! It is greatly appreciated!

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Yeah that's true, but isn't possible that some Outcasts could have remained hidden deep underground and only come out at night and steal tech and everything? I'm just looking for some new somewhat stories to add to New Vegas. Maybe have some Outcasts that snuck into the Mojave and remained hidden and only go on night patrols for tech in the wastes.

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  On 12/7/2013 at 9:24 PM, DylanF1 said:

Yeah that's true, but isn't possible that some Outcasts could have remained hidden deep underground and only come out at night and steal tech and everything? I'm just looking for some new somewhat stories to add to New Vegas. Maybe have some Outcasts that snuck into the Mojave and remained hidden and only go on night patrols for tech in the wastes.


The outcasts split from the DC BoS due to conflict in ideology, having them in the west coast wouldn't make sense since they share the same ideology. If you want the outcasts in the mojave that's fine, I'm just pointing out why that wouldn't make any sense.

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  On 12/8/2013 at 2:11 AM, DylanF1 said:

Well I mean if they share ideals, couldn't it be possible also for the Outcasts to be in the Mojave and team up with the BoS in the Mojave?


I'd imagine they would merge, if I remember correctly the outcasts believe they are the true BoS. But if they were in the Mojave, how did they get there from the capitol wasteland? Why did they leave it? How did they find the Mojave chapter since they weren't in the Mojave when they left for the east coast, especially since the Mojave chapter is in hiding.

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In addition to what sgtKraigo, that also would mean that there would be no civil war. The Outcasts are indeed closer to the true BoS than the Capital Wasteland BoS. So there would be no reason for them to fight in the first place. Or even to wear different armor.

  On 12/8/2013 at 2:11 AM, DylanF1 said:

Well I mean if they share ideals, couldn't it be possible also for the Outcasts to be in the Mojave and team up with the BoS in the Mojave?

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If you want it I'm sure someone would be willing to make it (I lack the know how and time to do it). I'm just saying it wouldn't make any sense lore wise.

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