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Armor invisibility issue


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I've been trying to equip this armor http://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/39756/? but it clips the part of my character out when I put it on.


I've got RHH installed but in game it gives me this error message...


(Mod: "VipCxj's Hair Eye Extend System" Error! You haven't installed

the obse plugin "obse_vipcxj_plugin_collection" for the mod.)


It doesn't say how to install it or if that is even relevant to the armor clipping.


If there is a specific HGEC Body Replacer I need, can someone send me a link?



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The VipCxjs Plugin Collection that RHH requires is an Oblivion Script Extender (OBSE) plugin. First you need to install OBSE, then you copy vipcxj_plugin_collection.dll from the extracted VipCxjs Plugin Collection download to the OBSE plugin folder. If it's the first plugin for OBSE you've installed you will need to create that folder ... the full path will be Oblivion\Data\OBSE\Plugins\vipcxj_plugin_collection.dll.


- Edit - Your invisible armor problem sounds more like something messed up in the Sinblood installation, probably textures missing or in the wrong folder. Make sure you don't have a textures folder inside your textures folder (i.e. you don't want Oblivion\Data\Textures\Textures\armor\... it should be Oblivion\Data\Textures\armor\...).

Edited by Striker879
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When you say clipping are you talking about the armor is visible but parts of it are going through your character's body/parts of your character's body are showing through the armor or are you talking about when you put the armor on part of your body disappears ... two completely different problems.

Edited by Striker879
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