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Hitmen, Assassins, and Mafia oh my!


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It saddens me that the people at Bethesdasoft did not include snipers to blow your head off when you least expect it : P. Well, of course, they leave that to the modders out there to finish their jobs >_>.


Getting to the point, there is all these GREAT and wonderful sniper rifles out there, HeroinZero's, and Alexscorpion's in mind, a assassin,hitman, or Mafia group would look great with these :o.


Maybe once ithis is created ( if it is, im just putting my idea out there ), you could join a group of Hitmen ( S.C.O.R.P.I.A. would be a nice name [ Alex Rider ftw ] ) and add a sidequest where you can join and you have to take out big protagonists/antagonists out in the game, for money. Or they could just stalk you like Talon, but have them hidden on high up areas, like roofs ( if possible ) or sniper nests that blend in with the scenery. Anything to make walking around The Capital Wasteland more dangerous


The mafia could send you out plant explosives in Brahmin packs or in Rivet City to destroy it, like if you destroy the air filter in Vault 101, everyone evacuates, possibly causing rivet city to split (seems like alot of new meshes & coding). If you join up with them, your first task is to lure big Wasteland Raider Clanleaders, slaver leaders, etc. to some house for a meeting ( lol dumb idea ), and plant a pipebomb under each seat, killing them all.



The assassins could be a psychotic group of loyalists, even some weird new religious cult that kills for blood, or very may be the same as hitmen >_> same term, yet more cultural, less about money, and more about religion.



The Holy Water quest would suit this, except they go out and kill people/mutate them or even turn them into a ghoul/robot super army. Heck, they probably wont be assassins anymore.





Weapons for the hitmen & mafia have already been made |LINKS:

http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=4362 ( Alexscorpion Sniper Gear )

http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=6226 ( GSH-18 Pistol by HeroinZero ) For Mafia and Hitmen sidearm

http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=6069 ( SAKO M95 Assault and Sniper Rifles by HeroinZero )


Weapons for the cult assassins would be knives and other odd contraptions ( unless they are a modern cult )


Armors/Apparel could be suits for Mafia and Hitmen leaders with a retextured Shady Hat

For the hitmen, I've seen a ghillie suit in the CRI mod.

Assassins could wear cultish like wear, whatever the modder who makes this decides what they wear.


Sniper nest link:

http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=3352 ( Portable Sniper Nest by Diernayr )


I have not seen a good pipe bomb mod, but the Robobomb ( by Phitt ) is remotely detonated, I guess you could make a C4 explosive like that too. Or, if thats impossible, just use frag mines with increased damage.


Thats mah radical idea.

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