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CTD at the END of loading a save


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I get these Below errors in my papyrus log....Friday Morning (12 AM - 2 AM PST) I was attempting to install RealVsion ENB Option A:Performance (plus the mods stated following the instructions), and after having a lot of issues trying to get it to work (skyrim was crashing on main menu load) I managed to figure out which files I installed through the whole process and deleted them (as i forgot to make a backup of my skyrim before hand, as i didnt think it would be THAT much changing)


The mods causing the issue:



the log itself:



Current Load Order:


http://pastebin.com/rwjaT4Te (This is my BOSS load order, but i moved the bash patch to last because it was conflicting with Wind Destruction when i would try and open TESVEdit)


The stuff near the end about the Arcane Assassin is ignorable as i wasnt having any issue after I uninstalled it a couple days ago.


Any Help would be appreciated


I DID try uninstalling and reinstalling all the mods from the Picture, but nothing changed...and i would rather NOT have to restart my game again, as this one is 60 hours in (on my 3rd restart due to mod related issues about 1 month ago)...but if I have to then I will.

Edited by brsingr11
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I've got a similar issue, I must have installed something around November since at some point, my saves require several tries to load. I doubt it's savegame corruption, everything works fine once I get the game to load (and it happens after the first 2 or 3 times I save). In fact, in game CTD's are no longer a concern for me, I get them extremely rarely.

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