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trying retxture kaer_morhen


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I'm trying retxture kaer_morhen

But I always get errors

I can't change textures

i already change textures


I'm not a professional

I'm just trying to pass the time

Can anyone tell me what i am doing wrong

Some errors appear

Failed to process 'environment\architecture\human\kaer_morhen\kaer_morhen_interior\textures\kaer_morhen_floor_array.texarray' in cache 'textures'

Failed to load 'environment\architecture\human\kaer_morhen\kaer_morhen_interior\textures\kaer_morhen_floor_array.texarray' - is this a resource

or missing file

all file kaer_morhen_interior i have in my mod

I have all the required software

The problem is only in kaer_morhen

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