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Tales From the Borderlands


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Not to mention the endless possibilities the borderlands story has to offer, at the end of BL is a good idea. Now that pandora has opened up, one reason why Borderlands is so big now, is there is so much potential for expansion. If Telltale ever wants to expand on that they better deliver the same type of humour and story telling Borderlands is known for. Especialy tie in with the rest of the game, that would be awesome, it would be like a side story to the game. Gearbox then can make a dlc expanding that story onwards, because each dlc is a part of Pandora and merge in some way or another.


Or even Borderlands 3.

Edited by Thor.
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My guess is that either they will be focusing more on back story, or will be working on something that runs parallel with the BL3 storyline. The goal of either being that of fleshing out the world more, and not really trying to keep with the same sort of paced action combat we have seen already in Borderlands.

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They won't be using charactets you already know except Jack Marcus and probably Moxxi and claptrap. Other then that it's new characters.... This won't be an RPG in the leveling up and choose skills sense. It'll be an RPG in the role play a character sense. Telltale said there will be shooting but in their may. Meaning quick time events im sure.


As the article said if you want a billion guns and looting go play the original borderlands. This is a spin off of sorts done by telltale with little gearbox help. I did one an excited. I fully expect a walking dead clone with a borderlands skin. I hope they do something more unique then that though.

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