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Fake Patch Broke Cutoms Textures


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I was previously using patch 1.4 and i used some custom textures like Skykappas nuka cola retextures. They worked fine, until i reinstalled to use fake patch and Now, only some of my textures work. For example i use the high res megaton texture pack. Everything is retextured but the bomb in megaton. Or only part of the nuka cola bottles textures are changed. I am positive they are installed correctly. Any ideas? :thanks:
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I am positive they are installed correctly. Any ideas? :thanks:

Most Likely, you didn't.

If the textures are in bsa files, then you forgot to update the ini file, as well as possibly shortening the bsa filenames. Little Boy does that work for you afaik

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I use Little Boy. Its awesome. :D But, I know that i put the right folders. I put the texture folder they provided me into my data folder. If there a way to make the textures into a .bsa so they work? Also i forgot to mention, these textures dont use and esms, or esps. They are just textures.
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Did your texture size option got magically changed to anything other than large? (i've seen those ghostly option changes sometimes when updating/downgrading).

The patch could've also re-created the fallout.ini, removing important changes like "binvalidateolderfiles" (should be 1 for AII to work).

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