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Quest related question


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Okay, so I have been working on a little quest to help the player find his/her new settlement. The quest has two aspects: a main quest and a corresponding radio quest. WRT the radio quest, I have created and placed a radio transmitter into the wild and gave it a frequency of 121.5. I have conditioned the scene in the radio quest with isPlayerRadioOn == 1.0 and GetPlayerRadioFrequency == 121.5. Now I have a problem and been troubleshooting. So my question is this: How can I check/confirm the frequency of the radio transmitter? I have tried the following debug message after the radio transmitter is enabled but it is returning 0.0000, so I am wonder if GetRadioFrequency() is correct.

Debug.MessageBox("The transmitterer is broadcasting at: " + FO4_RadioTransmitterRef.GetRef().GetRadioFrequency())

Your insight would be appreciated.

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Okay. I can take a look at the script. As the 121.5 is a military distress frequency perhaps it is already used in the game ...I will check. It was chosen as the message is a vertibird distress signal. More research ... more experimentation...sounds like the 60's to me. Thanks for the responses.

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Okay, so I ran the script to see if there was any conflicts with the frequencies 121.5 or 243 and it doesn't appear to be one. So I am not stepping on another frequency so the sounds should play, but yet they do not. Not exactly sure if there is a lower and upper frequency limit that can/will be displayed in the Pipboy.




000855A3 0 RadioDiamondCityReceiverOff *Is a Radio*
000855A3 0 RadioDiamondCityReceiverOff *Is a Radio*
0011FBCE 1 DN035_EasyCityDownsRadioTransmitter
00112D1F 1 DN165_PeoplemoverTransmitter
00112D97 1 DN070_TurretHallTransmitter
000FFF9A 1 DN102IntercomRadio
0012EEEC 1.1 DN035_EasyCityDownsEyebotRadioTransmitter
0014DFF6 1.1 DN070_SecurityTransmitter
0014DFFF 1.2 DN070_TreasuresTransmitter
152763 1.3 DN049_DirectorRadioTransmitter
0015077F 2 BoSKellsPARadioMarker
001F108D 4 MS04ShroudMS04HandlerTransmitter
00082C13 4 DN146_Loudspeakers *Is a Radio*
00082C12 4 DN146_Loudspeakers *Is a Radio*
00082C16 4 RadioTransmitter
1000897 10 DLC01MechanistRadioTransmitterREF
00096EAC 11 MS11RadioIronsides
0601EE2F 12 DLC04GZNukaGalaxyTransmitterRef_Main
0601F4BE 12.01 DLC04GZNukaGalaxyTransmitterRef_PA01
0601F4BF 12.02 DLC04GZNukaGalaxyTransmitterRef_PA02
0601F4C0 12.03 DLC04GZNukaGalaxyTransmitterRef_PA03
0601F4C1 12.04 DLC04GZNukaGalaxyTransmitterRef_PA04
0601F4C2 12.05 DLC04GZNukaGalaxyTransmitterRef_PA05
0603840C 12.11 DLC04GZNukaGalaxyTransmitterRef_PrePowerCar11
0603840D 12.12 DLC04GZNukaGalaxyTransmitterRef_PrePowerCar12
0603840E 12.13 DLC04GZNukaGalaxyTransmitterRef_PrePowerCar13
0603840F 12.14 DLC04GZNukaGalaxyTransmitterRef_PrePowerCar14
6038410 12.15 DLC04GZNukaGalaxyTransmitterRef_PrePowerCar15
6038411 12.16 DLC04GZNukaGalaxyTransmitterRef_PrePowerCar16
6038412 12.17 DLC04GZNukaGalaxyTransmitterRef_PrePowerCar17
6038413 12.18 DLC04GZNukaGalaxyTransmitterRef_PrePowerCar18
6038414 12.19 DLC04GZNukaGalaxyTransmitterRef_PrePowerCar19
6038415 12.2 DLC04GZNukaGalaxyTransmitterRef_PrePowerCar20
6038416 12.22 DLC04GZNukaGalaxyTransmitterRef_PrePowerCar21
6038417 12.22 DLC04GZNukaGalaxyTransmitterRef_PrePowerCar22
6038418 12.23 DLC04GZNukaGalaxyTransmitterRef_PrePowerCar23
6038419 12.24 DLC04GZNukaGalaxyTransmitterRef_PrePowerCar24
6054136 12.25 DLC04GZNukaGalaxyExitTransmitterRef
0604A680 17.1 DLC04GZEyebotRadioTransmitter
0023CD66 22 RadioJukeboxTransmitterRef
0100E9F6 25 RadioTransmitter
0019D6C3 31 RadioTransmitter
001A583D 32 MS17CompoundRadio001
000EECAE 32 MS17CompoundRadio
0301AC3A 37 DLC03_WindFarmRadioMarkerREF
0301804E 38 DLC03_NucleusRadioMarkerREF
00193B46 42 GSRJ03_Loudspeakers *Is a Radio*
00193B43 42 GSPOIRJ_RadioTransmitter
001D2864 44 RadioInstitutePA
000BA504 60 PrewarRadioTransmitterREF
0018E3B2 62.700001 DN028RadioTransmitterRef
000BA641 70 PrewarTVTransmitterREF
248028 77 subwayRadioTransmitter
176516 82 MQ205_RadioTransmitterNewREF
03040AB1 83 DLC03WorkshopRadiantOwned05TransmitterREF
001D1AED 86 RadioTransmitMarker01
001AC2E6 86.099998 RadioTransmitMarker02
00193C39 86.199997 RadioTransmitMarker03
00191F21 86.300003 RadioTransmitMarker04
001AC2E7 86.400002 RadioTransmitMarker05
001E2300 86.5 RadioTransmitMarker06
001D206D 86.699997 RadioTransmitMarker08
001DE7F6 86.800003 RadioTransmitMarker09
001E1AC6 86.900002 RadioTransmitMarker10
001DE88E 87.099998 RadioTransmitMarker12
001D882C 87.199997 RadioTransmitMarker13
001D1AEC 87.300003 RadioTransmitMarker14
001D206E 87.400002 RadioTransmitMarker15
001E2301 87.5 RadioTransmitMarker16
001D882B 87.599998 RadioTransmitMarker17
001D882A 87.699997 RadioTransmitMarker18
001AC2E5 87.800003 RadioTransmitMarker19
0002F519 89 MS04ShroudRadioTransmitter
00115B22 89 RadioSilverShroudReceiver *Is a Radio*
00031C19 91 RadioInstituteTransmitterRef
05004FBD 92 DLC06WorkshopRadioRef
05004FBE 92 DLC06MQ01EmergencyBroadcastREF
000E92A0 94 MS17CompoundRadioTransmitter
030456D0 94 DLC03MQ01RadioREF
0006F105 95 BoS00Transmitter
0004AF75 95 BoS201RadioTransmitterRef
06007D76 97 DLC04MQ00PromotionalRadioRef
0001FA5B 98 DiamondCityRadioTransmitterRef
0001DAF9 99.5 MS10TrinityTowerAntennaRef
00144D89 99.5 RadioPreWar
001C9710 100 MS10TrinityTowerAntennaRefWRVR
000ECA06 100 MS10RadioWRVRref *Is a Radio*
000F480B 102 DN125_RadioTransmitter
0100FDB6 103 DLC01CaravanDistressTransmitterRef
0304DF6D 103.5 ADV002_RadioTransmitter
0002A195 104 WorkshopRadioRef
0009FF44 105 MinutemenRadioTransmitterREF
0601D0B0 106.5 DLC04RaiderRadioTransmitterRef
132389 107 BoSM01_PulserVarhamTransmitter
84429 107 BoSM01_PulserVarhamTransmitterReplacement
0008442A 107.099998 BoSM01_PulserAstlinTransmitterReplacement
00140C39 107.099998 BoSM01_PulserAstlinTransmitter
00140C3A 107.199997 BoSM01_PulserFarisTransmitter
0008442B 107.199997 BoSM01_PulserFarisTransmitterReplacement
001A8B3E 107.300003 BoS301TransmitterRef
000E0B61 117 RadioEyebotTransmitterRef
0859C921 121.5 FO4_RadioTransmitterRef
060359EB 135 DLC04ParkAnnouncementTransmitMarker
0016939F 140 RadioTransmitter
060477EC 200 DLC04TransitCenterAnnouncementTransmittMarker *Is a Radio*
00148B8B 303 RR303PrydwenAirTrafficRadioTransmitter
00218C3D 1010 RadioRailroadReceiver *Is a Radio*
00218C3B 1010 RRMorseCodeRadioTransmitter


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Okay, after two days of testing and troubleshooting it appears the frequency of 121.5 was problematic for some reason or another. I suspect there is an upper and lower frequency constraint associated with the Pipboy. Seddon4494 alluded to this in his tutorial.


I have not experimented too much with the questing side of modding but this little endeavor (main quest combined with a radio quest) combined with previous adventures leaves me convinced there is great power and opportunity within the questing side of the house. In this simple cause I used Audacity to add some pink noise and distortion to the voice actor lines to simulate a radio transmission. Fun stuff.

Edited by pepperman35
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Greetings and salutations fellow creationists.


So the testing of the main quest and radio quest is mostly promising. Everything seems to work well except the last stage completion (i.e., giving of XP to the player). The last stage (Stage 1000) gets completed and the objective get marked completed in the Pipboy; however, a prompt echoing quest completed doesn’t occur. The complete quest checkbox is also checked for stage 1000. Some it isn't clear to me why the prompt notifying the player of quest completion doesn't file. The setup is mirrored after DLC04MQ00 and its radion quest.


The script fragment for stage 1000 is as follows:

; Stage 1000 set from FO4MQ00QuestScript when player teleports into new world space


Debug.Trace("FO4MQ00 Quest, Stage 1000 fired when we landed in FO4 (teleported via load door), so we can shutdown the quest")

; Remove the map marker from the crash site


Debug.Trace("FO4MQ00 Quest, We have disabled the map marker at the crash site")

; Complete all objectives, remove quest items, and stop the quest

; complete all objectives in the FO4MQ00Radio quest


; Remove quest item as necessary

; No quest items to worry about



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Okay, after two days of testing and troubleshooting it appears the frequency of 121.5 was problematic for some reason or another. I suspect there is an upper and lower frequency constraint associated with the Pipboy. Seddon4494 alluded to this in his tutorial.


In agreement with Seddon 4494, I believe, supported by past experience, the upper and lower bands are values within the normal real-world FM frequencies (around 89 to 105) for the Pipboy radio. Other values can be used, but they seem to be ignored by the Pipboy Radio. If you have a look at SubwayAnnouncementsRadio (activator) and the script on it you'll see that it can also have a frequency of -1 (which generates static according to script comments). If you have the Automatron DLC and examine the radio transmitters in the cells (especially in and around the Mechanist's Lair) and activators it uses, the frequencies are really low.


I think the reason for restricting the bands for the Pipboy radio (if it happens) is so it doesn't try and list every radio source it discovers (some can have really small radii). It makes sense from a design perspective, but whether that's what's happened is known only to the coders.

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