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"Force Lock" Option from Fallout 3 in Skyrim


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One thing I loved about Fallout 3 is that once I got my lock picking up, I could simply hit a button and force locks to open without fiddling with them. I'd love to see this carried over into Skyrim, perhaps even through the perk system in Lock picking. Instead of making Novice/Adept/Expert/Master locks easier to pick, it allows you a chance to 'force' the lock open without the trouble of the 'mini game'. It could be a % base that gets better as you progress in the tree. (IE: At Novice you have a 25% chance to force open novice locks, but at Master you have 100% Novice, 75% Adept, 50% Expert and 25% Master) and if you fail you break your pick or have to retry if you have the unbreakable picks perk.

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