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Making "gnd" NIF's


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Would someone be able to tell me how to make a gnd file, such as how to make the collisions and such. Even pointing me to a tutorial would help a lot. I would perfer it for 3D max, but am not opposed to blender. Thanks



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I just take another gnd and open it in NifScope then delete the NiTriStrips

and replace it with my NiTriStrips.

Right click on the NiNode and paste your NiTriStrip to get automatic parenting.

Get a Nif with the same NiNode name as your Nif, or change the name of your NiNode to match.

I think it is also best to use a gnd Nif of the same type - Armor for Armor, Clutter for Clutter etc.


I don't know anything about the collision data, but this works for me.

I got a real shock when I just renamed a Nif to gnd and had my item floating in space.


Which reminds me - also look for info in the bhk's that refer to the shape (they have different designations). For example I did a gnd for some clams with a pearl gnd and the clams rolled down a slope because the pearl,

as might be expected, has a sphere shape. This also caused the clams to sink into the surface a bit.

Then I used a book Nif and the clams don roll, will sit on top and stand vertically if I wish.


EDIT: 12 hrs later - Just remembered. You don't actually need a gnd Nif.

Clutter has no gnd Nif, but don't use something that is labled - static.

You can still name your end product gnd. Just look for the attributes I mentioned above (sphere, etc)

to get the effect you need.

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