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Apologies for triple post, accidental.


I have read the full post, I dont think the part where you are walking in calendrils shop(against your will and the player not moving, but being moved by the potion) is possible, i dont think it could be done. Also It's generally not a good idea to use NPC's already in the game, as it could mess up if those NPC's were used in another quest and all they could use was your quest dialogue, like a bunch of mages guild people, if they were part of say a recommendation quest and they're made to report to an NPC thats in a completley different place.



It could be made though.



I agree,I had time to test buncha mods since I reinstalled Oblivion at december,last year,and I always had problems with those which includes vanilla NPC's as quest related.


You know,this thing which I wrote up there,isn't even close to what I wrote in my language,also,it has really little connection with the thing I spent papers and papers on.This crap I wrote here,was the quickest and much more simple way to explain my goal,because,copy/paste of my work wouln't be much of a use,because it is written in-serbia.I am serbian.And,hell,I was anxious to post the 'real' thing,because simply,my writings includes some objects and other stuff,which maybe,cannot be made in-game.Idk,I saw only a couple of guys who can really make these things to happen,like MrSiika,AlexScorpion and such.Guess I wouldn't want to see a negative response. :P


I would try it too,but I am afraid that I am not skilled enough,and learning how to create something which isn't based on vanilla objects and items,may take a lot of time.


Any kind of help would be more then appreciated.Thanks for the information you provided,and thanks for the time given to read through my ramblings.Aaaaand,thank you in forward,if you are interested in this,pm me or anything,and I will tell you all about this idea of mine,without any polishing and skipping the story,or changing the path of it.



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Frankly, I do believe that this is another of those badly thought out "epic" mods that the author doesn't know how to make and hopes that someone will do it for him. My advice: take the idea, prune it back to its core, establish what you truly want instead of just some relatively random ideas, learn english and get a little experience modding. Then come back with a though-out, sensible idea, and bring some evidence to show that it can be done. hen maybe you'll suceed. At the moment, though, this probably won't get very far.
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That was quite possibly the most atrocious piece of writing I have ever read. Truth is always the best criticism.


You may want to check your grammar and spell check it for an easier read. I don't mean to insult you, but f this really did take 3 years to write and your 28 years old, then at least have the decency to prepare it for others to read.

As for the story and idea for the mod itself it didn't really find it that interesting and enthralling. It's just bad plot, I doubt anyone is going to pick up and make this mod for you, but there are many tutorials out there that can educate you on programs for modding and how to use them. Try to develop your ideas a little better and maybe create some new Characters rather than using NPCs from vanilla.


My advice scrap the idea of it being an add-on mod to complete after the main quest and create it to be played as a new game with a fresh start. I think the idea you are going for might work out better that way.



I found this 90 % useless and 10 % useful.


Reasons would be: Spell check is a poor excuse to trash someone,because of your own problems in real life,and can be often found on YouTube and FPS forums,90% written by fat high school kids.On the other hand,I did made a few,but the only reason I did it,because I wrote it down at that moment,I didn't paste anything from the piece,as I wouldn't want anyone to see the original idea and path of this piece of mine.Why?Because,thanks to the power of imagination,I wrote something quite long for a topic on this forum.And it is written in my nature language,which is serbian.I am a slav,from Serbia.I am also a slav who is fluent in 6 different languages,other then slavic group,and the slavic group,I speak and write,all of it,from russian,over polish,to my very own,so it is kinda bleh to trash a guy about spelling.No offense taken,though. :)


The whole point is:You skipped the part where I was clear that this isn't the fully written piece,with plot brought further and just a few steps at the start.


As for your advice to start again from the scrap,I don't need to do that,as I wrote this whole thing completely different then it is written here,much more deeper,much more horroric/dramatic/thrilling then a ramble I posted here.Because my writings are not connected with game much,except it is about a fallen nation-Ayleids.And it includes some characters from the game,but that would be it.


Though,you made me to change some parts of it,to redo it,and to make it a bit better for the eye.


I thank you for that,sharp lady. :) ;)


Safe travels.

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Frankly, I do believe that this is another of those badly thought out "epic" mods that the author doesn't know how to make and hopes that someone will do it for him. My advice: take the idea, prune it back to its core, establish what you truly want instead of just some relatively random ideas, learn english and get a little experience modding. Then come back with a thought-out, sensible idea, and bring some evidence to show that it can be done. Then maybe you'll succeed. At the moment, though, this probably won't get very far.



I understand your point,but,as I wrote a couple of minutes ago,this crap I wrote here,would be the easiest way to get it in game,as I didn't wrote the real thing as in-game experience,so,therefore,I didn't want to post it,because it was hard for me to connect it to a game,instantly.


As anyone who has intentions to make something creative,I hope that this idea of mine,will make a huge impact to anyone who has experience from it,that is just hope,which you have in any segment of life.So I don't think this could be the 'epic mod' for everyone.But it is epic,in my mind,for me,if you understand.


Speaking about hope...I have no hopes that anyone will make this for me.I read a lot since I reinstalled oblivion in december 2009,and tested many different mods again,to gather some more inspiration,and to see how it would look like,all together.I am going to start this on my own,in the first.I'll try it and give it the best I can.


Thank you for reading,although,you didn't read the real stuff,but thank you for finding some time to read through it.

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