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CTD When Entering HallofElements with Obscure's College of Winterhold


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No matter what door I use or if I coc myself into the Hall I always ctd. I've already completed the College questline and didn't use to have these problems. I'm using WACCF, Book Covers Skyrim Updated, and Odin among a bunch of other mods but I think these are the most relevant. I attached a picture I took of the cell in the CK and it is filled with missing mesh red exclamation marks. I also have .NET Script Framework and get crash logs every time I crash. I can go into all the other rooms at the college fine even the Midden if I console teleport myself there. I have reinstalled Obscure's mod and all patches I need, I reinstalled WACCF, and Book Covers Skyrim. I even verified my Skyrim files forcing an update to AE and ran the downgrade patcher since I only use SE for my set up of mods. I cleaned all the DLCs and redid my Wyre Bash patch even. I have no idea how this happened or how to fix these missing meshes that just randomly became a problem. On a occasion if I haven't played for a while I might ctd when trying to load a different cell but I learned if I save right before then it's fine, but doing that doesn't help at all in getting into the Elements Hall. On my current save if I use a milestone to try to teleport inside my Arch Mage's Quarters I'll ctd, so I have to fast travel to the college manually but still can't go in the hall. Here is a link to my pastebin.com crash log: https://pastebin.com/ZwPTDKLp

Can someone please help me figure this out it's driving me insane

Edited by Zelezthelegend
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