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so i can confirm that the Markers being static is not the issue, i changed them to activators to see if it changes anything, nope, same issue, it seems that maybe when the player saves, and closes the game or it crashes, and loads that save the worldspace purges any item that doesn't belong in it, but this doesn't make too much sense to me, because when i drop a weapon in anvil and repeat the steps here nothing happens, unless activators/Static items function differently on this

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On the subject of dropped weapons I have noticed something which may have some relevance.


Weapons/armor/clothing/etc dropped from the players inventory will persist forever and a day in the game world but if those same items were dropped by an NPC they will disappear on the next cell reset (or perhaps even on the next load of that cell). This doesn't align directly with your problem but what I'm hoping to illustrate is that the game doesn't treat all things in the gameworld equally.


My theory is that a marker put into the gameworld via script isn't treated the same as that same marker put into the gameworld via the Construction Set (because we know that the CS placed markers persist).


- Edit - Reading over the posts again something else comes to mind ... Have you tried with the Initialy Disabled box unticked (here I'm thinking that persistent or not when the game loads the script has not run so the marker is disabled by that switch).

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On the subject of dropped weapons I have noticed something which may have some relevance.


Weapons/armor/clothing/etc dropped from the players inventory will persist forever and a day in the game world but if those same items were dropped by an NPC they will disappear on the next cell reset (or perhaps even on the next load of that cell). This doesn't align directly with your problem but what I'm hoping to illustrate is that the game doesn't treat all things in the gameworld equally.


My theory is that a marker put into the gameworld via script isn't treated the same as that same marker put into the gameworld via the Construction Set (because we know that the CS placed markers persist).


- Edit - Reading over the posts again something else comes to mind ... Have you tried with the Initialy Disabled box unticked (here I'm thinking that persistent or not when the game loads the script has not run so the marker is disabled by that switch).

i'll try it, but i don't think it will change anything


Edit: same result, going to try changing the model to actually SEE if its there or not


Edit 2: ok i have changed the model to something we can see as you will see it is above Anvil Mages Guild and sort of clipping in the building but it doesnt affect anything, after the game is closed and loaded that save again not using the spell but coc'in again to get to anvil here is the result, i even loaded the save again to see if it returned to the same spot it was in, but i didn't find it, it seems that maybe when a persistent object moves maybe it loses it and the game purges it?

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I just had a look through the descriptions of the problems and fixes/patches found in the EngineBugFixes readme, with an eye towards anything that might be applicable. A few things seemed worth exploring, but I don't have the first hand knowledge with the details of your problem that you do.

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I just had a look through the descriptions of the problems and fixes/patches found in the EngineBugFixes readme, with an eye towards anything that might be applicable. A few things seemed worth exploring, but I don't have the first hand knowledge with the details of your problem that you do.

i finally found some time to check out EngineBugFixes, i had hopes that this may have solved the issue, but no same problem, im wondering if it's worldspaces in general that are the issue in the way the marker needs to be loaded back in after a save


Edit: just Checked Unofficial Oblivion Patch and the error is gone, but now to find out what changed

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  • 4 weeks later...

This sounds exactly like the same problems I had with my airships. Everything is fine until you save your game quit and reload. Also, there's extra problems with SI and other new world spaces. For me it boiled down to the fact that activators and statics aren't supposed to be moving around so they aren't totally permanent at "moved to" locations. Creatures are supposed to move around so they can go anywhere and they "stick." There's a good discussion on this very thing here. I think you just need a dummy rat for your markers. Sides Sailing Ships has a dummy rat that is a custom mesh that is tiny and invisible. I think you could customize a will-o-wisp to work as well.

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