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Blade Auto Return Script Help

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Hello, i made and new weapon and thought of something interesting and was wonder if it is possible within normal CS i thought that adding any of these would work

Begin OnLoad

Begin OnDrop

while testing out the weapon it got disarmed and clipped through the floor and nearly lost it till i eventually found it, and thought maybe there is a script way of doing it so i looked around to see if there is a IfDisarmed trigger somewhere but i didn't but i remember reading a little about Onload and thought that it might work, and i also tried OnDrop incase that might work and they did not, is there a way to make this work?


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try this instead:

Activate player

i thought i already tried this and it didnt work then went to try what i put even added 1 at the end just in case, but ya it works, the only thing i have left to ask is which block is better to put it in OnLoad or OnDrop?

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