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Working TV


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a remote can be part of the lore, say the enclave made a 'Communications/ transmission scrambler remote' to confuse the BoS, then u take it in an enclave base/ hideout, and have fun. still hard to make though
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  • 4 months later...

well, to contribute something to this topic, here's some actual info on how it works.


first off all: real ingame videos are not possible (at least not in a way it would make sense, for this to work it would have to be done like this: you would have to take the videofile, extract single images, line em all in perfect sequence make that 1 file, place it in the game, and then do what the Goat does, force a "slideshow" you would have to use a timer, that runs 25 images per second and since its a slideshow audio is not available, so you would have to add a second trigger that plays the corresponding audiofile and not only that, you would have to force a FPS rate of the game of precisely 25fps during the show, or it would look messed up and this is to much for pretty much every system)


however what works and what can be done is what the mod thats been mentioned here does: play a bink video in which you use an overlay.


I'm gonna clutch all that quickly together and upload the .esp and.bik file here, so everyone can have a look on how it works, after that you just need to add some additional scripting if you want to play specific programs (easiest would be a Terminal here, there you could just select what you wanna see)


okay, finished putting it together, already included the option to select different programs,gonna upload it now (its 50 MB)

after that I'll post a list of the coc marker and all scripts etc. used.

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okay, here it is: http://rapidshare.com/files/297923975/projectordemo.rar


the video file goes in the Data\Video folder


i put it for demonstration purposes in a new empty room, that has no connection to anywhere, to get there in the game, you have to type in the console: COC demonstration (that will bring you into a room with the projector)


just activate the projector and a messagebox will show up, asking what "channel" you wanna see (has 2 choices: Fallout 3 Trailer or Weather) pick "Play Fallout 3 Trailer", cause thats the only video included (if you pick weather nothing happens).


and now for the files in the demonstration.esp:


the room itself is called: demonstration, so there you find the projector (which i called projectorcust)


the script used is called: videoplaytrigger and can be found here: Misscellaneous -> Script

the messagebox used is called: Tvselection and can be found here: Misscellaneous -> Message


and for those who don't wanna download it, here's the content of the script:


scn videoplaytrigger

short awaitingInput

short buttonvar


begin onactivate

showmessage tvselection

set awaitingInput to 1



begin gamemode player

if awaitingInput == 1

set buttonVar to getbuttonpressed


if buttonVar > -1

set awaitingInput to 0


if buttonVar == 0

playbink "demo.bik" 1 1 1 ; first 1 = interuptable with ESC-key, second & third 1 = stop audio (radio and ambient) if you add a fourth 1 the video will be letterboxed

elseif buttonVar == 1

;playvideofile thats not yet available || this would be the weather option






this should be easily understandable and i added some explanations in it.


if this actually turns into a GNR TV station, the messagebox options can be conditioned (here one could copypasta the conditions from the GNR audio files, so the video files only become available when the radio broadcast is available)


if you got questions bout this, send me a PM

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Why have a remote control when you can control the Tv outta your Pip-Boy-just point it at the tv and SHOOT until you get the channel you want


about the channels-why not have a wasteland survival channel with videos made on youtube so that players don't have to leave the game to watch that youtube video again because they forgot was it left here or left there or right?


And I like the 3-Dog version of the quest...''Oh hi there again wasteeeelandaah could you help out 3-Doooooog; again?''

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