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Still many issues with NMM:

double boot - when you run NMM or it auto-runs when you press "download with NMM" - it seem to try to open it twice, and you get a pop-up warning message.

Many downloads fail and ends up in "Error".

Some freezing and lagging.


WORST OF ALL: When I do download mods - I don't get any info on them, even on mods that 100% surely have info. So essentially I can't tell if the mod downloaded correctly, and I always rather have my mods synced to Nexus and updateable. <<<<<<<<please fix this


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Hey there, I encountered a issue which my NMM 0.50.1 crashes everytime I try using it to un-install mods from my skyrim. My old hard drive crashed last week and im trying to mod my skyrim back to the way it was but its very difficult since the current NMM and the older 0.46 both seem to crash and display tracelog when i try un-installing mods.
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In response to post #10767137. #10769430 is also a reply to the same post.

Same here. Which exposed a lack of error trapping in NMM. It doesn't tell you that it couldn't find the information. When you click the "Checks for new mod versions" button, it doesn't tell you that it couldn't retrieve any mod information. If you weren't paying attention, you wouldn't have noticed that the progress bars weren't advancing when it was supposedly updating all the mod info, and then you wouldn't be aware that there may be updates that you missed. Edited by billko
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how do I change mod settings? (e.g. climates of tamriel) I usually disable then enable it again to change the settings, but now I can't, it just went back to the previous settings


edit: nevermind, I figured it out, turns out deactivating and uninstalling are different

Edited by rizkirahman
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This might be a really dumb question, and, if it is, I apologize. But, when we install the update will it keep all our other mods that we already have installed? The reason I ask is that when I click on the link at the top of the page, it starts to go through the steps as if I don't have NMM already installed. I just want to make sure that I am installing the update correctly and not missing something here and end up losing all my mods.


Thanks and Happy Christmas!

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