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how to retexture armor

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I made a new texture for the existing armor in Oblivion and I have the following question. where exactly should i put the nif file in TES Construction Set

the first button - Bipet Model or

the second button - World Model

and where to put the new textures - the last button is for Icon image


And one more


if you can tell me where to add normal map in Nifskope, the small blue flower is only for diffuse map.




Have a nice day

Edited by evelin2233
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The World Model is the nif you will use when the item is dropped from inventory onto the ground. The BiPed Model is the item when worn.


I'm no expert, but my understanding is that normal maps just need to follow the correct file naming protocol and be located in the same folder structure as the diffuse map (so Textures\Armor\MyArmor\cuirass.dds would have Textures\Armor\MyArmor\cuirass_n.dds ... with the _n part denoting that it's a normal map and folder structure indicating which diffuse map it is associated with).


The textures assignments are all done via NifSkope (the flower icon you have already found). In NifSkope the folder paths need to be relative not absolute (so not starting with anything higher up that Textures ... no C:\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion).

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