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XCOM Map pack!


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Hello guys,

I'm new here , but I found something big - a way to add more maps to the game. There is a thread about it on official xcom forums, but I thought I will post it here as well. Tonight I may try to submit a mod here at nexus, but right now I am at work, so I just copied my last from xcom forums.



New abduction maps are enabled, while all old abduction maps are disabled for testing purposes.


Can you please help me test Xcom Map Pack v0.1 ?


Download it , put it into your EW location (mine was C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\XCom-Enemy-Unknown\XEW\XComGame\Config ). Make sure you make a backup of your own file before doing this
.... ah and this is needed to make ini changes work: https://github.com/fperks/xcom-mod-helper/releases (instructions are here https://github.com/fperks/xcom-mod-helper )

Keep in mind that I have EW and Slingshot, so I have no idea what will happen if you do not have slinshot and try this mod. (maybe someone can test it , but I feel it will crash). Of course you NEED expansion EW to make it work.

14 new abduction maps:
a) 4 maps with meld that come from old EU but are disabled in EW (since EW had similar maps). They have meld
- commercial alley
- convenience store
- research outpost
- truckstop
b) 6 maps that were previously terror sites and did not have abductions. They do NOT have meld (i checked police station and miliatary ammo myself, I need you guys to check all of them)
- commercial restaurant
- highway 1 (L shaped terror on street)
- military ammo
- police station
- highway fallen (terror + van dorn I think)
- pier A terror (new terror site from EW)
c) 3 maps from EW (special missions) converted to abductions. No meld here
- exalt HQ
- Chryssalid hive (winter town. Interesingly, there are sharks with Chryssalids in this mission)
- meld tutorial (ice cream shop map)
d) 1 map from progeny , no meld here
- dam map, but I think it may have too few alien pods (2), can someone double check on Impossible if 4 alien pods appear here?

When you are testing, please check if aliens patrol the map, check if there is enough alien pods on the map (should be 4 on impossible). Please report any bugs etc

Plan for future:
- add Slingshot mission 1 and 2 as random council missions, without cinematics etc
- add Progeny mission 1 and 2 as random council missions, without cinematics etc
- check if those 4 missions can be converted to abductions
- check if mission 3 from Progeny can be made into Landed UFO mission
- check if mission 3 from Slingshot can be made into Crashed UFO mission
- check if it is possible to bring back Demolition/Museum/Gas Station maps from EU (probably not)
- check if it is possible to enable Command/CB2/Facemelt/XCOM HQ/ XCOM HQ multi
- check Hurricane Terror , it is currently disabled
- check if it is possible to add alien pods to maps , for example Intro from EU (sadly this is probably impossible, but I wrote it here for reference, maybe someone knows the way)

Edited by guciomir
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A few things worth testing:


- For abductions and possibly terror & UFO maps, set "InitialChance" and "InitialGain" to all the same numbers, and set NewMap to "false." I --*suspect* this will cause the rotation to become balanced and not favor any particular maps from the expansion. (Note that "InitialChance" is 400 for the new maps and 20 for the old ones.)


- Set three of the four crashed overseer maps to crashed large scout maps for more variety on those missions (as crashed overseers are, um, rare events) by changing ShipType=eShip_UFOEthereal to ShipType=eShip_UFOLargeScout. Not sure if you'll walk out with an ethereal device, though, which could be a bit unbalancing.

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Thanks Johnny!


Overseer maps are the same as large scout (the only difference is that ship is slightly different but basically the map is the same). But who knows, maybe? I think this can be done as I added new landed ufo mission based on winter landed abductor from Progeny.


I am not sure yet how "initial chance" etc is working, I may need to test it more, but lookin at code would be easier. (I really need to learn upk)


And what's more, I submitted mod here on nexus



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Guciomir... how could you "Attach" the above ZIP file to your post?

I've looked for an UPLoad button in the reply header and the "More Reply Options" section and i can't find it!


OMG-- disregard this silly question... i only had to look below the edit-box. :confused: :blush:


PS; TPF_File for TexMod users that want to recolor the Events.


Edited by Zyxpsilon
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A few things worth testing:


- For abductions and possibly terror & UFO maps, set "InitialChance" and "InitialGain" to all the same numbers, and set NewMap to "false." I --*suspect* this will cause the rotation to become balanced and not favor any particular maps from the expansion. (Note that "InitialChance" is 400 for the new maps and 20 for the old ones.)


From what I've noticed the game only uses the "InitialChance" the first time ever you play EW, where during gameplay I saw only new maps at the beginning. On my second game I noticed that it started giving me the old maps right from the start.

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