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Please a little Request Audio, Sound of Player Character Combat


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Hello kind people of Nexus

I just want to tell you something about make a little change to the game, I don't like the sounds of the player character in combat the groans and moans

I like to install mods is fun for me, making my game the most fully customatizable I want

So I know there are some mods to mute some parts of the combat character sound basically the moans and groans, and there are in .esp file, thanks to the authors for made it, but there are no perfect I think (sorry but the mods don't mute all sounds of the character)

I know the BSA opt tool I use it for make some changes to some sounds I don't like it, is easy to use I extract the .bsa files and next I search the folder in the game what I want to make some changes and next I put the file with the same name of the original game in the same place and that's it I changed the sounds of Fx or weapons sounds, foots, whatever

I search the sounds of "player character in combat" in game folder but I dont find them, thats maybe the mods files are in a .esp file and there aren't like just a .wma files to replace, like immerive weapons sounds and immersive magic sounds mod of lazyskeever author, I use it there are very good quality sounds :smile:

Please some help to make it, change that sound, any clue where It is the folder, or how to do for change that "player combat sounds", please I really appreciate some help :smile:

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Nice, but I just don't know why can't you just lower the voices sounds on the menu? I know what you want, but maybe it's not that easy to take away some voices, noises, whatever... Just, use a bit of the Creation Kit tool... Mess around with it, and maybe you can find what you want!


I think that you can modify it on the Player Edit Window, in the "Actors" tab. Also, you could read some tutorials on the Creation kit wiki if you need some help with it.


(Look, I know that it doesn't help much, but modders in these days aren't helping much... So please, try it out!)

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