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Portal Gun


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aww man, I was hoping to lend my rubbish portal gun.



(I use sketchup to model, and podium to render :))

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Newer game engines do not specifically mean they are better, in my opinion the FO3 engine is a good all-rounder, while Portal focuses on the physics, so by that logic a game engine in 20 years time may not be able to do the same as the portal one today, its all down to specifications.


Wouldn't it be great if that was true though, an engine in 20 years time being able to out perform any engine today, *sigh* sadly, thats a fantasy that I doubt will be made into reality, not in our life-times anyway, but who knows the future for definate, I may be wrong, and if I am sometime in the future, feel free to send me a message and throw it in my face, lol.

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you can build stuff like that... just use a script that drops (placeatme or moveto) some kind of item that looks like a black hole in front of you, also let it spawn a cubic activator ontop or infront or around that hole... and just use a simple moveto script ontriggeractivate


this is so fast that it doesnt need load times (at least as long as you dont leave the cell)


question remains where do you moveto after you got in the hole?... and would it actually improve gameplay?

Which still haves 3 problems:

1) You won't be able to see the other side.. ever.


2) Fallout physics suck, speedy item goes in, thing that gibs everywhere and crashes the game comes out. Enjoy.


3) You'll get stuck 99% of the time with the floor/roof/walls.


In other words. not worth the coding effort.


Considering these facts, I think the game engine does support a "mark and teleport" mechanic like the spell found in Morrowind: you mark a place by spawning or moving a marker, you go somewhere away from the marked position, then you teleport using an item or wherever.

But it's not a "speedy thing in-out" mechanic, and you cannot see the other side-like TGBlank said.


Overall I think the engine can support a portable teleportation device rather than a portal with physics.


Next up is finding a modder who's willing to do this. Or mod it yourself.

Start with increments. And perhaps FOSE could help.

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Hehe while I *love* the Aperture Science Handheld Portal Device (The ASHPD), I don't think it's quite feasible (given the physics engine in question for FO3). However, the Displacer (Displacer Cannon, if you must call it that >_>) is a lot more feasible, and doubles as a weapon.




It is yet another Half-Life universe portal device, but it runs off of Depleted Uranium, and can be used as a weapon as well. Plus, it's a helluva alot less physics based, and can be used to Teleport to and from without much difficulty (unless someone you glitch behind something your not suppose to be at. Which is highly possible in a game like Fallout). Becides, it's Black Mesa-made. Meaning Black Mesa > Aperture Science. And this is SOOO not Biased, you know, me being employed at the BMRF... no-sirr....



The Free Man

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umm i remember somebodys oblivion mod: Septim mansion. You cast a spell. There is a portal appearing and when you go through you get to mansion. I think it is possible.
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