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Editing clothing. Can I add an extra ap_armor_Lining "Misc" slot?


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I'm trying to extend the usability of my Minutemen General's Uniform by adding Railroad Ballistic Weave and Armor lining. ("ap_armor_Lining "Misc" [KYWD:00022821]" in FO4Edit)


In a perfect world I'd like to use both Asbestos and Dense linings, but alas, if I add two keywords they both get the same lining. Obviously, since it's the same [KYWD:00022821].


Is there anyway I can get around this?


I tried changing the Fortify Charisma enchant that's already on the uniform, but either of those are available.


- Karmamuscle

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Just an idea, why not use same keyword, but create a new Object Modification. In this Object Mod you add properties from both linings, kind of combining them. You'll also have to create new Misc item(mod) and new Constructible Object. My only concern is the dn_ keywords, since one of their functions is for the INNR(instance naming rules). So I don't know if it is ok to add both, how will that affect the naming of the armor. But at least add dn_HasLining_FlameResistance, because the other function of this keyword is inside condition checks in Magic Effects for fire damage. These magic effects will not damage the target if he/she has apparel with this keyword.

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