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Fps, delay, lag..?


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The biggest problem is your GPU-- it is very old and barely meets basic requirements--assuming you have the 512 MB one, and not the 256-- if that were the case you would be below minimum specs.

Your low-level GPU is going to mean that your VRAM is constantly having to try to clear out memory in order to render everything. That causes the performance issues you describe.


However, your processor speed is pretty low as well, and that can also cause slow performance.


The more memory requirements you make of your RAM and VRAM, the more performance issues you will have--fps being just one measure of that, as you point out.

Umm... my specs are similar to original posters: AMD 8850 tri-core, mmx, 3DNow (3 CPU's), 2.3 ghz, 3328 mg ram, 512 used, 5942 available, Vcard = GF 9500 GT w/512 onboard (vram). The game was running just fine for me until the update from Steam the end of October; and has continually gotten worse.


I have shut down any unessential programs in the background to attempt to fix the problem. For a while I was able to shut down Steam and play without it running in the background, but now they've taken that option away. When I could play in that state, the game ran just fine.


I've uploaded and installed the Unofficial patch which, for the most part, just fixes some bugs Bethesda never tended to and adds some content. I was told in the forums at Steam this patch may help with the lag problem, it didn't.


When I open Task Manager and peak at the CPU and page usage graphs they show huge spikes in patterned intervals, which were not present prior to the October 30th Steam update. I play in off-line mode which is the only option a player has now and isn't much of an option. There have been two or more updates from Steam, which have subsequently made the performance of the game worse.


The only mods I have are Dawnguard, Hearthfire, and Dragonborn, the mods (which I call expansions) that followed up the original Elder Scrolls V, no extra content other than the patch. So, why all of a sudden (since the October 30th Steam update) is the game choking so badly?


Haven't changed any programs, same virus protect, same everything. Did have to lower resolution and other graphics options in a grand attempt to fix this issue with no result. Now I'm even getting graphics overlay. Everything else runs fine, other games I have on PC (none newer than Skyrim though, which I didn't even purchase till this last Spring.)

Edited by SheraDunlike
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Regarding your noticing lag early in the game: I've heard blood textures is expensive in FPS. Try Elys "mem info" for a FPS display. Then try removing certain mods and see if it affects your FPS. I think you may only have one or two culprits in your order that are affecting you a lot. If you find them, you'll be good to go. Remember, there is no such thing as a clean save regarding mods with scripting. Removing a mod with scripts doesn't necessarily remove the scripts. Regarding some of the heavier mods you mentioned, you may not be able to use all of them in one game because of FPS. Choices: use or ... not.

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Hey guys,

I am having the same kind of issue here, but I don't have an old graphics card. I modded my game to hell, and the game is laggy, and delayed. Sometimes when opening a menu, the game freezes for 30 sec to a min (cant move the mouse or anything like that). It does clear up, but sometimes the freeze stays. Here are my specs:


AMD Piledriver CPU (3.6ghz 6 core processor)

8 GB of memory

GTX 660 (3GB)

1.5TB of memory


My game is relatively new and my character is lvl 11 so I dont know if it is a bloating issue. I have modded the game out ot hell with things like better graphics, more gore, and so forth, but the lag just started to show up. Any idea how to fix it?

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