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How to use Fo4edit to generate initial ammunition.


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There's 2 ways that you could make that happen. Either create a script to inject those items into the game.

That can be done with a regular script, or a batch file script. The latter of which, is not fool proof, because it relies on your load order, as the item numbers changes depending on where the mod is located in your load order. The prior, I dunno how to do in Xedit, so I'm afraid I can only mention that as an option.


The second option is to take an existing container that is already in the game. You make a copy of that container as an override, in the mod file for the ammunition mod.

You then add said items into the container, save the file, and then test it on a new character.


I would not recommend tampering with a container that is located within V111. There's way too many scripted events located in that area, and even the slightest changes there can cause results that you won't see, until it's too late.

I can honestly say that I've borked up some of my game plays, by adding weapons/ammo into my game in V111 that the game was not set up for the player to use yet.

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I second StormWolf01's caution about trying to do things in Vault 111.

If I knew I had a solid load order I wasn't going to change I'd just make a Batch File to run immediately after leaving Vault 111.

Add whatever you want, from whatever mod you want - just like you would from the Console except all at once.

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Thanks for the backup, Fraquar! Appreciated :) :thumbsup:

My turn, now :D

Yeah, a batch file is by far the simplest. And would be my first suggestion, as far as scripts go. The only headache is that with mod added stuff, is getting the ID numbers.

To make that as easy as possible... I'd say open the mod in Xedit. There, you can find the ID numbers that the mod adds them in as. However, there will be 3 numbers that start it out, when you write them into the script.

These three numbers are designated by where the mod is in your load order. So like, if the mod is # 123 in your load order, you have to enter 123 as the start of the ID number in the script.

That's usually not a problem. Until you change your load order. If that mod isn't # 123 in the LO anymore. Then you have to adjust those three numbers to match where it NOW sits in the LO.

Not a massive headache, but does require a bit of legwork.

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Here's a tutorial on how to make a batch file.



The code that you want to use is similar to this:


player.additem 00023431 1

The 000 in their example is where the mod sits in the load order.

The 1 at the very end, is how many of said item to give the player. So like, if you want 100 rounds of said ammo, you'd change the 1 to 100.


each line is separate. so it would be like


player.additem xxxxx

player.additem xxxxx

player.additem xxxxx


Just remember what you saved the name of the file as. Because that's what you enter in the console to fire the script.

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Since he said he was already using FO4Edit, he pretty much negated the FormID headache that comes with making batch files. :D

For testing purposes I can't recommend enough Perchik71's In-Game Mod Explorer. You can put 500,000 rounds of each ammo type "in your backpack" if you are patient enough.....

Edited by fraquar
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