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How do I make a summon that will turn hostile & attack you?


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Basically, I'm thinking like a summonable sparring partner. You summon, they attack you, you kill them, get skill increases etc.

I've tried putting the summon npcs into a faction hostile to the player, but it doesn't work.

Also, the npcs are set to frenzied & foolhardy, still no luck.

My last option is the relationships set to arch-enemy, but I have 9 npcs so this will be a slog to implement.

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The aggression settings dont apply to summons in regards to the one who summoned them


Theres always NPCA.StartCombat(NPCB)




Placing via script instead of conjuration school effect, would bypass the built in punching bag threshold they have


Might be some nonscript way but atm I cant think of one

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As said above.

The actor placed by the 'hard coded' vanilla summon mechanics adds the actor automatically to the player's faction = ally

Now, you can create a scripted summon spell that will not use the 'hard coded' function and then at some point turn the 'fake' summoned actor hostile to the player.

If I remember correctly, the hard coded summon actor will never become hostile towards the player no matter what scripted function you use, but I could be wrong since it's been a few years since I experimented with that, and i no longer have Skyrim installed to do a quick test run.

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