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A History Of Sia


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An old dusty book discovered in the imperial archives....


Sia (The Great Witch Queen)




Sia arrived in Cyrodiil 136 years ago at the age of 3 after the ship she was travelling on with her parents was shipwrecked off the Blackwood coast in the Topal sea during a violent storm.


Although her parents perished in the tragedy they had managed to place their only child in a small life boat which survived the storm. The little girl was subsequently rescued the next day by a search party from the nearby Imperial garrison of Dunkerlore. With no other survivors found and little clues as to her identity she was adopted by the local ranger and his wife who named her Sia. Ceran and Elissia lived in a fairly modest cottage on Dunkerlore island, Ceran spent his days in the service of the great castle patrolling the island and keeping it safe for miners who lived in a small mining village that had sprung up. The castle itself stood on the most southern point of Cyrodiil overlooking the Topal Sea. Elissa for the most part tended a small patch of crops and flock of sheep which served as both food and produce for the miners and inhabitants of the nearby castle.


In the years that followed Sia led a happy and carefree existence on the island. As she grew her adoptive father taught her many ranger skills and her mother provided her a good moral guidance, she loved making her own clothes and was a constant visitor to the castle, she searched for new materials that would arrive on the occasional re-supply or merchant ship that docked at the castle. She was looked on kindly by the soldiers and staff at the castle who grew to adore the little girl and for the most part Sia had the run of the castle. She spent many an hour chatting with the female guards who would tell her of the great Imperial City and the latest fashions, she also enjoyed reading books in the castle's extensive library.


So the years passed and all was quite and peaceful for the trials and tribulations of the world seemed to pass this little part of the empire by. Sia had reached her eighteenth year, no longer the little girl but instead a young woman of incredible beauty, her striking white wings, a common trait among her race, left people awestruck. She still visited the castle but had now attracted the eye of a ruthless and ambitious Imperial Captain, Mordran, he would make numerous advances to Sia, who he desired greatly, but each time he was refused much to the amusement of his men.


And so it came to pass, one night as Sia left the castle Mordran, now filled anger and rage at her refusals, followed her...


He used a secret passage under the castle to get ahead of her undetected and his exit from the castle was not observed. Sia, unsuspecting, walked her usual path through the trees to her home and was suddenly confronted by the dark foreboding captain. Still she did not suspect... he was an imperial officer afterall. With rage in his eyes he told her she would be his whether she wanted it or not. He grabbed her arm forcably hurting her arm but the now terrified Sia recoiled and broke free, turned and made a run for it...


She could not use her wings amongst the trees and the captain easily kept pace, Sia stumbled and fell...he was behind her... Mordran gave Sia a warning as he forced himself upon her, she had never been with a man before and it hurt. His words struck fear into her, aware that the island was small he told her that if she made a noise she would die there and then and if she ever told anyone he would see to it that she and her adoptive parents would suffer. Sia had no reason to doubt such a high ranking officer could carry out his threat so she endured him. When it was over he left her there naked and alone. She cried for a while then gathered up her clothes and dressed herself and made her way home sobbing in the dark.


Sia's appearances at the castle became a rare event, she spent most of her time alone in her room or reading by the sea, she shyed contact with anyone other than her adoptive parents but the most startling change came when she first recoloured her hair black then of all her brilliant white feathers on her wings, her mother suspected she had pilfered the dyes off a merchant ship that called by a few days prior. Then after a few months Elissia finally noticed a secret Sia had been at pains to keep, her stomach was swollen, she was pregnant! Ceran was furious; he demanded to know who the father was but Sia would not say. He threatened to go see the captain up at the castle but Sia talked him out of it.


The months passed quickly it seemed to Sia, she rarely left the cottage now, she was showing and the bump was huge now. Up at the castle they knew, Mordran kept a low profile lest anyone suspect. She had become withdrawn, gone was the happy smiling girl, during the night she would have nightmares. Within her hatred had taken seed, of Mordran, the strutting Imperial Captain. She became aware of her own distinctiveness, she was not a native of Cyrodiil she possessed great magic within her. She even began to question her loyalties to the Empire. The books she was reading were dark, tales of horror, weapons manuals, magic all the time the image of the captain etched in her mind. She must have thought of a thousand ways to get her revenge.


Ceran and Elissia were concerned, the change in Sia was marked, this surely couldn't be due to the pregnancy alone there must be something else.


Then day finally came, with Elissia's help Sia gave birth to a girl. Sia chose the name, Aerilaya and held her daughter close in her arms. Sia dotted on the child, even breast feed her, always stayed close. Elissia took this as a positive sign, but she was wrong, Sia's mind had become fractured between her love for her child Aerilaya and her desire to kill Mordran. Then one day she fell asleep by the fire and dreamt, the dream was a nightmare and unknowing she let slip the captain’s name in the presence of her parents. Ceran woke her and demanded she tell the truth, this time he wouldn't take no for an answer...


Sia still somewhat groggy from the dream and without thinking what would happen told him the truth. Ceran's red fiery eyes seemed to burn with a rage Sia or Elissia had never seen before. Elissia moved to comfort Sia but Ceran calmly took and put on his hunting jacket then he grabbed his bow and and headed for the door. As he opened the door he turned to the two women and told he was heading to the castle, heading to kill Mordran.... Sia screamed, pleaded with her father not to go but she could not stop him, she knew he would either die at the captain’s hand or be hung for murder she then resolved that Mordran would no longer bring any more pain to her or her family she would have to deal with Mordran herself...


She quickly hurried to her feet she went over to Aerilaya's cot and gently stroked her tiny head, kissed her and whispered goodbye tears streaming from her eyes... on the table was her fathers dagger she grabbed it and headed toward the door....


Elissia was startled and demanded to know what she was doing. Sia looked at her, a pleading look in her eyes, and asked Elissia to watch over and protect her child. She then opened the door taking one more glance back at the baby in the cot and left. Once outside she knew she could easily beat her father to the castle, she unfurled her now black wings and lifted into the sky dagger in hand.


It was a clear and sunny day, Mordran was on the battlements watching the activity below in the courtyard. As Sia hurtled towards the castle she spied him from a distance, she could never forget him even that far away. She veered away towards and out to sea then looped back, she was now coming from directly behind him, the beating of her wings ceased as she silently glided in, this was her moment it would never come again, she had dreamt of this moment ever since that night.. Her one regret? Mordran would never see his death coming, she would never see the terror in his eyes before the end.. She readied the blade in her hand and down she rushed and with a sickening crunch the blade sank into the back of his neck shattering his spine. Sia had swooped down from above, the captain had never saw her coming or had a chance to react...just as well Sia thought she was no match for a trained warrior. As he slumped to the ground dead Sia stood there trembling, her eyes transfixed. She had done it, cold blooded murder. A cry went up from the battlements; the other guards had seen it all. Pritcher a guardsman she had known since she was a child stood just a little way further a look of absolute horror and shock on his face. "Sia! it's Sia, she's killed the captain!" he shouted. She heard doors opening, running footsteps getting closer, she stood upon the castle wall and faced the sea looking over the edge as they approached she gave one last glance back directly at Pritcher and said to him "he deserved it" then she disappeared, Pritcher rushed to the wall and peered over the edge, Sia was falling towards the sea but just as it seemed she was going to hit the water below she majesticaly lifted into the sky and was gone.


Sia knew there was no return. Soon the island would be swarming with soldiers. She was a murderer now, hunted, an outcast. She thought about little Aerilaya, tears welling up in her eyes and she flew off into the sunset...


In the years that followed Sia passed from sight and memory, it was assumed she had perished even her adoptive daughter had given up hope and mourned her passing, but they were all wrong. She had slipped into madness and bitterness she had learned magic and the use of weapons. As the years passed, lost in madness she became insane and dangeously poweful becoming expert in necromancy and the dark arts, she had recruited the undead consorted with deadra all the time lusting after more power. Rumours began to surface of an evil witch growing in power, tales of slaughter and terror began to spread throughout the empire.


Then in the year 3E 433 on one terrible night the great hilltop city of Kvatch was destroyed by an army of deadra who appeared with a great siege engine from a great portal from the oblivion realm, it was said by those who were lucky enough to survive that they were led by a mysterious winged woman, it was rumoured she herself murdered count Ormellius Goldwine in his chambers, cutting the heart from his still living body. This was the start of the great Oblivion Crisis...




One fine sunny day in the temple district and Aerilaya is approached by a captain of the Imperial Watch....


"My lady allow me to introduce myself, my name is Hieronymus Lex of the Imperial Watch, the high chancellor requests your presence at the Imperial Palace, I am to escort you there right away."


Aerilaya is surprised and intrigued, she agrees and off they go....


Once inside the palace she finds Chancellor Ocato waiting for her in the council chambers.


"My lord chancellor how may I be of service?"


"Rise my child, no need of formalities here."


Ocato beacons Aerilaya closer, "I see my dear captain Lex was not exaggerating when he told me of your beauty..." she blushes and a rather embarrassed Lex goes all red. "But I'm afraid we have no more time for pleasantries the situation is grave and time is short." Aerilaya asks he means the assassination of the emporer? "on this occasion no, you are the one they refer to as Aerilaya?" she nods "yes my lord" Ocato ponders for a moment..."tell me Aerilaya what do you know of the mystic elf woman of your land known only as Sia?"


The mere mention of the name hit Aerilaya with a sickening force, she feels a pain in her stomach and feels faint, turning away from the chancellor it looks as if she might, Ocato and the captain rush to steady her fearing she may fall ..but she quickly recovers her composure, nervously a trembling in her voice she speaks..."my apologies my lord, I have not heard that name for many long years now, but why would you call me to talk of her?" The chancellors offers Aerilaya a seat but she decides to remain standing, Ocato speaks..."I'm sure you are by now aware of the terrible fate that befell the city if Kvatch?"


She tells Ocato that she does "the general population believe that the city was attacked by daedra from oblivion and this is all tied in with the assassination of our emperor, but they are wrong, the daedra that destroyed the city were an army raised by this Sia, she is ruthless and merciless, apart from those who escaped or managed to hide she left nothing alive, woman children it made no difference. We have kept this from the people as we believe that one crises is enough for them to handle and to avoid mass panic."


Aerilaya stood there in stunned silence as the chancellor told her what he knew.. of Sia's involvement with the Dark Brotherhood, the gruesome murders she was believed to have committed, on he went telling her about how they learned from captured mythic dawn agents that Sia had been given lordship over an entire oblivion plane by Lord Dagon himself and then he spoke once more "and now I will inform you that this Sia, this evil scourge at this very moment assails the city of Skingrad to the west as we speak, and the Count's soldiers along with what reinforcements we could send fight a desperate battle for survival against this evil abomination"


After he had finished there was silence, Aerilaya struggled to comprehend, how could she? Why would she? Was she aware of her presence here in Cyrodill? Ocato spoke again "Aerilaya it is clear to me you know more of this Sia than you have yet admitted? For your sake my child and that of the empire and all the innocent people that are in peril you must tell me what you know" Aerilaya began.....


"My lord chancellor you must know I meant no harm, I have devoted my life to the service of the nine and have tried to lead as good as life as one may in these dark time but there is one secret that haunts me and causes me great shame, there is a bond between me and this woman you know as Sia a bond that can only exist between a relation of our kind" Ocato, interrupts stunned "your kind? you are related?" Aerilaya takes in a deep breath, a tear escapes from her eye, she struggles to remain composed...


"yes it is true....she......she is my...my mother"


There is a stunned silence, both the chancellor and the captain stare at Aerilaya for what seems like an age, then captian Lex finally breaks the silence...."Sir this surely cannot be true can it? The reports from those who have seen her and lived tell of a young woman of extraordinary beauty, how can this be?" Ocato, "ah my good captain this is perfectly plausible you seem to forget our young friend here is an elf and in terms of years is probably older than you. But still Aerilaya he has a kind of point if what you say is true then the age difference can't be great and those wings? This Sia has none?"


"From what I know my lord my mother was very young when she gave birth to me, she left when I was still very young and I was cared for by relatives, they to this day have never told me why she abandoned me or the circumstances of birth or who my father was. My mother did have wings my lord, if she is as powerful as you say then she has removed or concealed them some way, for what reason I do not know."


Ocato and Lex whispered something between eachother Aerilaya interrupted "what will happen to me now?" Ocato turned to her, "Aerilaya you cannot be held responsible for who your mother is and what she has done, we can only but ask you for you aid in this matter I will fully understand if you refuse" Aerilaya turned away tears streaming down her cheeks she wiped her face and tried to compose herself as best she could then turned back to face Ocato....


"My lord I place myself at your service....." Ocato thanked her and turned to the captain, but Aerilaya already knew what she had to do........


She would have to track down and confront her mother.......




"Aerilaya I must leave you now, the path you take is a dangerous one and I wish you every success for all our sakes, may the nine guide and protect you always."


Aerilaya left the palace. It was a quite night in the Imperial City as she made her way back to the temple district, she entered the great temple, it was empty, alone her mind was in a state of confusuin, what would she do? how could she defeat her mother, would she be able to kill her when the time come? She broke down and wept..


Suddenly she looked up momentarily startled, there before her stood a ghostly figure a vision from the nine!


She sank to her knees...


"Aerilaya I am merely a messenger fom the gods, from the moment of your birth the gods have watched over you and followed your progress, you are a child of the light and are marked for great deeds but if you rush to Skingrad now to confront your mother you will surely perish for she has become powerful and twisted with hate, you must instead travel to the port city of Anvil where you must seek out one they call The Prophet...of this I can tell you no more.


In this dark hour it falls you to Aerilaya, you have within your self a power greater than all the evil of this world combined that power is love but you must choose your moment wisely for your mother does not commit her deeds out of random spite she seeks transcendence to become a god, a false god. If she succeeds all is surely lost.


Go forth now to Anvil Aerilaya and fullfill your destiny, may the nine forever light your way and protect you...."


Upon those last words the ghosty figure faded into nothing and the great temple was silent once more, Aerilaya got to her feet and stood for a while, she thought on what the messenger had said, she now had a purpose, a start, she heeded the words and left the temple, her destination Anvil....


Meanwhile in Skingrad a desperate battle raged, through the streets of the city....



Sia herself lead the assualt.....


On she fought on relentless, her target? The Great Chapel of Julianos...


Once inside the chapel...


she murdered all those sheltering inside even those than begged for their lives....


She had become so consumed with hate and her desire for power that it seemed all ounce of compassion had left her... or so it seemed? For a moment she stood there amongst the death and carnage, the chapel burning she felt something... a feeling... a memory...a baby.. a child in her loving arms... Aerilaya! For a split second she lost all awareness of where she was what she was doing...




"My queen urgent news" it was a messenger fom the battle raging outside, Sia snapped back to reality "What news? Report!" The messenger told her of the battle, the city was more prepared than she had bargained for, her initial bombardment of the city had failed to break the spirit of it's defenders....he went on the explain.....


"Through the streets we have fought a running battle with the mortals"


he went on...."They came at us in great numbers"


"and we have taken heavy losses"


He paused for a second agitated, Sia had not seen this before in a Dremora, they were such efficient killing machines... "go on" she prompted and he continued... "We sent a force across the great bridge to attack the castle"


"and again they came at us, our forces fought them once more but we could not reach the castle"


"I was dispatched to find you and tell you this." Sia stood there silent for a while "there is more my queen..." Sia looked at him, "more?" By now the messenger was clearly very agitated he was clearly nervous, his queen was not known for her forgiving nature..."a great force of imperial troops has arrived and we do not have sufficient men or creatures left to hold them"


"they have begun to move through the city"


Sia dismissed him, he nervously rose and backed away, his last words...."on the bridge, they fought as no mortals I have ever seen..."


Sia called her commander forward.


"Commander I have clearly underestimated this count Janis Hassildor, and I will not allow myself or our remaining forces to be cornered and captured here, we shall therefore withdraw." The commander nodded in agreement and beckoned the messenger forward once more to give him instructions for the remaining forces to open an oblivion gate and retreat. All that remained in the burning chapel now were Sia, her field commander and her faithful companion and lover Amozabael, outside they could hear shouted voices "they are retreating!!!" .. "for the empire!!!" ... "find the dread queen!"


Sia raised her hand high in the air and there was a blinding flash, a small portal appeared before them...


"Gentleman if you are quite ready it's time to leave....."


In the city....


"We've done it, by the nines...we've done it...Victory!!!"


Columns of black smoke rose from the city, but the sky was now a brilliant blue, the red foreboding sky of oblivion had given way to morning and through the smoke the sun bathed the city in glorious light....



Skingrad was battered and burning but it still stood, there was still hope, Sia the destroyer of Kvatch had failed to break this city, she had fled back to her realm her forces battered and bloodied.


And to the east the greatest irony of all... Aerilaya her daughter, her flesh and blood chosen by the nine themselves to be their champion had embarked on her quest to destroy her............




Ascension to an immortality....


In the Deadlands realm Mehrunes Dagon had summoned Sia forth...


"I have watched your progress mortal, you have served me well. You alone of all my minions have shown potential"


Suddenly Sia was engulfed in a blinding flash of light!


She felt a rush of energy pulsing through her body as she rose from the ground.



A sensation of indescribable ecstasy. Her possessions and clothing fell away from her and she was naked, a pair of wings and tail grew from her body...


A pair of horns appeared on her head...



Then in a flash it was over, she stood before Dagon, naked & transformed.



He spoke once more...


"Mortal you are no longer, soon I will move to crush the mortal realm and you, first amongst my minions, will lead my armies."


there was a pause...


"do not fail me"


Sia gathered her her clothes and possessions and made herself presentable, she felt elated and strong as she knelt before Dagon...


"As you command my lord"




Sia found herself alone and isolated, the battle had moved on. The sounds of battle, death and destruction filled the smoke laden air. She felt a warm rush of air behind her, as she turned to look....




There facing her was a beautiful young woman dressed in white "what do you mean? mother? who are you?" Sia demanded.


Aerilaya had an imploring look on her face, her hands open "don't you remember me? I am your daughter."


Sia hesitated "daughter?"


"I was just a baby when you left, surely you must remember? I'm Aerilaya, your daughter, you must remember!"


Sia struggled her mind fractured she willed herself to remember "come closer" she said. Aerilaya moved closer, Sia hesitantly raised her hand and touched her daughter's face...


"I....I...do remember, my Aerilaya, my baby...."


Aerilaya spoke once more...


"I've come to stop you mother, I've come to save you before it's too late"




The book ends there, pages torn and missing and little is known what happened next, other than Sia disappeared after the fall of Dagon and was widely believed to have perished with her master. These long years have grown long and she has faded from memory but every so often rumors are heard of a great Witch Queen rising in the north, such reports are mostly dismissed as rumours by the authorities, but recently expeditions to the great mage tower in the north have failed to return and there is unease in the ranks.


Could Sia still live? Will she return once more.........

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